June 30, 2020
To whom it may concern:
Rehabilitation Debtor: MTGOX Co., Ltd.
Rehabilitation Trustee: Nobuaki Kobayashi, Attorney-at-law
Announcement of Order to Change Submission Deadline for
Rehabilitation Plan
The Rehabilitation Trustee is currently formulating the rehabilitation plan, but as there
are matters that require closer examination with regard to the rehabilitation plan, it has
become necessary to extend the submission deadline for the rehabilitation plan.
In light of the foregoing, the Rehabilitation Trustee filed a motion to seek an extension of
the submission deadline of the rehabilitation plan at the Tokyo District Court, and, on
June 30, 2020, the Tokyo District Court issued an order to extend the submission deadline
for the rehabilitation plan to October 15, 2020.
Ormai questi comunicati sono un copia-incolla a scadenza fissa. Ogni volta Kobayashi si concede 3-6 mesi di estensione per poi scoprire che "there are matters that require closer examination"
E intanto continua a intascarsi laute parcelle. Mi domando come un giudice possa accettare di farci prendere in giro in questo modo e cosa aspetti a cacciarlo e sostituirlo con qualcuno che sia minimamente competente.