As part of my contribution to providing updates on this court case between Dr. Wright and COPA, here are some excerpt from the last hearing and it is more on the case of forged documents brought forward to question the authentication of Dr. Wrights claim.
I however still doubt Dr. Wright is Nakamoto even if he has several documents to show he was among the originators of most of Bitcoin's technical initiative such as the P2p mode of transaction used.
More evidence will be provided soonest during the next court hearing, so am staying glued and making my observation known accordingly.
And as part of my contribution of providing a counter to FUD, I'll again point out that the source of these "updates" is a website run by people funding Wright's sad little campaign of lawsuits against this very community and its developers. Anything from 'CG' is not to be trusted as it is a BSV shitcoin site, not a Bitcoin site. People citing CG as a reputable source are not to be trusted.
I cited CG with its source link at the initial start, so as everyone knows how I stay updated with the court hearing between COPA and Dr. Wright.
I receive news letter as mails from the CG site and only thought it proper to share it, so anyone who needs to follow up would.
Perhaps my image sharing pisses you off, but it's not a yardstick to accuse me of supporting a shitcoin I clearly didn't speak about.
Unless you intend to gain from such obscure propaganda of pointing out a FUD where one doesn't really exist, then please help us understand why CG isn't a reputable source and is not to be trusted mostly as it concerns this COPA vs Wright case, where several opinions have been made and mine including yours may not even be valid in the long run.