It is up to the investors to investigate the ability of the people they employ to manage their funds.
Thank you, that is exactly right. Hence what we are doing.
"We"? Who is "we"? Puppet, Eskimobob, Deprived and you? How many of you have any investment in Usagi's business?
Bitcoin Forum > Economy > Trading Discussion > Scam Accusations ?
Which part of the "due diligence" you are confusing with "scam accusations"?
I'm sorry! I must have missed the "Due Diligence" subforum. Super Apology!
I didn't choose to post the thread here. To be honest I was linked here and don't even care about the subforum, though I understand some people might. I'm pretty sure Usagi asked people to stop talking about this in "Securities" anyways. And he or she just said that again in this thread as I see.
Some people had placed sell orders at .98 and .97 as if their only intent was to get out rather than to allow me to buy back at .99. I did buy back at .99 and 1 -- over 500 shares of A and B all in all. And within 24 hours IIRC. People also sold down BMF to .25. I believe that what the trolls I have named have done is to manipulate market prices by scaring people into selling my stocks. I believe they are, or someone who hired them is, attempting to profit from this manipulation.
Price manipulation. Well, I guess that makes sense.
It occurred to me that price manipulation is an even bigger problem when one company holds the others' shares, am I correct?
That is what I am afraid of; because I am quite confident that in another few days when the BMF motion passes, and then again in another few months when everyone sees "the usagiponzi has not collapsesz" that I will be vindicated. Of course, there will always be people who will claim that just means the collapse is imminent. But those people should be ignored.
I'm sure you'll be vindicated too. But you should act more confident.
What is the BMF motion, by the way? I am not currently a holder nor have I been keeping up.
edit: Thank you Deprived for the big update post. I don't have time to sift through those threads and I've only been reading bitcointalk since August, so a lot of this was a mystery.