
Topic: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? - page 11. (Read 45540 times)

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
It's about time somebody is bringing this out into the open like this. There is no safety verification for vaccines. And the law has stated for decades that there must be. Why isn't the medical obeying the law? Why is the government letting them get away with it? Could it be $$$$$$$$ ?

All Vaccines Violate US Law FDA MUST Pull Them NOW VIDEO 4.64

Counsel Heckenlively is the father of a seriously vaccine injured child. He is well-known for crusading world-wide for Informed Consent. Highlighting the growing vaccine truth censorship he has been banned from Australia and other countries for his Informed Consent advocacy.

Counsel Heckenlively says: "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Esq. recently proved in court what we've said for years: the FDA has been approving vaccines as drugs in defiance of the 1986 law that was supposed to make vaccines safer. Instead, they've become ever more dangerous, even deadly. I've become the World's #1 Anti-Vaxxer by taking on the corrupt vaccine industry."

The Citizens Petition was filed on March 8th, seeking FDA emergency action to suspend all current vaccine approvals until, and unless, the reporting and safety provisions of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act are finally enforced. The Petition includes a demand to the President that he should abide by the US Constitution requirement, in Article 2, Section 3, that he "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…" The Administrative Procedures Act (APA) requires Federal Agencies to respond to formal APA petitions filed at within 90 days.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
The title of this thread is, "Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker?" But that's because the OP had that title. We are finding out now that the title should read, "Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is DEAD?"

I really need to be careful, because the medical is aimed at killing off people slowly. But they have shown with many doctors who fight them openly, that they are willing to kill off people quickly, with hit men. If they haven't started already, they just might start with average folks who talk against things like vaccines.

‘I will never get over feeling I killed my son’: Anti-vaccination activists refuse to be 'silenced’

Vaccination skeptics say the US government has joined with pharmaceutical companies to shut them down, and the veil of silence over the true dangers of inoculation is secretly killing hundreds of children each year.


When she checks on one of her three living children sleeping, Krystle Cordingley will sometimes see not their faces, but the "grey and lifeless" face of her son Corbyn, whom she found dead in his bed 14 hours after a flu vaccination.

That was over five years ago.

"I'm broken. I am not suicidal or unable to function, but my heart will always be shattered. I will forever feel guilty for being the one that took my son in to be vaccinated, and I don't know if I will ever get over the feeling that I killed him," says Cordingley, who now dedicates her life to fighting against vaccination.

She recalls October 18, 2013, the last day of her 13 month-old son's life, in perfect detail.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
If you want to see just how deep the vaccination influence is in search engines, do this.

Test the various search engines with the question, "who is at risk from vaccinated kids?" Include the quotes, because most search engines recognize that you want exactly the words you use when you use quotes.

Then do the same test with the same search engines on, "who is at risk from unvaccinated kids?" BUTBUTBUT, clear all your browser history first, and shut down and reopen the browser. Do this because search engines and browsers often include results from prior searches.

Your best bet is to use Tor or different VPNs for the two searches.

Go ahead. Try it.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
Even doctors don't want people to vaccinate against measles. So, who does? Do you think it might be Big Pharma?

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons "STRONGLY OPPOSES" Mandatory Vaccines

Due to a measles outbreak in the United States, frightened people are pushing an agenda to take an important medical decision out of the hands of parents. They're calling for federally mandated vaccines. They're calling for the shaming of parents who have chosen not to vaccinate their children.

The hysteria is running high, fueled by fear and memes.

Whether you opt to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, I think we can agree we all want what's best for our children.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons opposes federally mandated vaccines.

An important letter was presented last week to the Senate subcommittee that is discussing federal laws that force parents to vaccinate their children. The statement below is from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and they have come out strongly in opposition to the possibility of federally mandated vaccines.

No matter what your opinion is on vaccinating children, please read this.


The smallpox vaccine is so dangerous that you can’t get it now, despite the weaponization of smallpox. Rabies vaccine is given only after a suspected exposure or to high-risk persons such as veterinarians. The whole-cell pertussis vaccine was withdrawn from the U.S. market, a decade later than from the Japanese market, because of reports of severe permanent brain damage. The acellular vaccine that replaced it is evidently safer, though somewhat less effective.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

Since the tech giants are now on-board with hiding and burying information on vaccine risks, by law or just because they are a cog in the corp/gov wheel, it's going to be more important to share links.

In some other research I ran across this site:

In a brief skim of things I was impressed.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
CDC director concedes that the pro-vaccine movements to counter misinformation campaigns have not been robust enough.

Congressional hearing on measles outbreak highlighted by anger, disruptions

As cases of measles continue to rise across the United States, lawmakers met Wednesday to confront the growing public health threat.

The sometimes raucous hearing, held by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, laid out one of the main challenges: stopping the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation about the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine that have contributed to vaccine-hesitancy in many communities. At least twice, Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., stopped the hearing when audience members, both for and against immunization, shouted down speakers over vaccine safety.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, acknowledged that there hasn’t been effective countering of the anti-vaccine movement.

“Misinformation is an important problem,” Fauci said. “The spread of misinformation that leads people to make poor choices, despite their well-meaning, is a major contributor to the problem we’re discussing.”

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Here we go again... cops called in by a doctor who won't let people be. If the people knew how to fight, the doctor and whoever authorized the cops would be on trial.

Arizona: Family Raided by Cops, Their Children Kidnapped—for Not Bringing Son to ER for a Fever

Chandler, AZ — Sarah Beck and Brooks Bryce are speaking out to local media after their children were kidnapped by armed men because they let their 2-year-old son Heber recover from a fever at home—and not in the ER.

The nightmare for this family started 4 days ago when they brought their toddler to the doctor at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine because he had a fever. The fever had gotten pretty high, 105, so the doctor told the family to take the baby to the ER.

When the family got back to the car, however, they took Heber’s temperature once more and noticed that it had dropped significantly. His temp fell to 102, which is no reason to head to the ER.

“He’s acting normal. He’s dancing with his sisters in his car seat. And I take his temperature and it’s 102,” said Beck.


As TFTP has previously reported, children who get taken by the state get put into a system that is rife with abuse. An estimated 18,000 children—every single year—go missing from these “protective care” systems. Thousands of those children are then sold into sex slavery. In fact, as we reported this week, it’s estimated that 88 percent of sex trafficked children come from this system. Hopefully this family gets their kids back before they become a number in these most disturbing statistics.


How else are they going to get good children to sell at a profit using the CPS system which is a front for child sex trafficking? The ones who really should be removed are no good for adopting out for a profit because they are trouble cases. The well behaved ones come from good households where they are removed for minor reasons.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
Here we go again... cops called in by a doctor who won't let people be. If the people knew how to fight, the doctor and whoever authorized the cops would be on trial.

Arizona: Family Raided by Cops, Their Children Kidnapped—for Not Bringing Son to ER for a Fever

Chandler, AZ — Sarah Beck and Brooks Bryce are speaking out to local media after their children were kidnapped by armed men because they let their 2-year-old son Heber recover from a fever at home—and not in the ER.

The nightmare for this family started 4 days ago when they brought their toddler to the doctor at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine because he had a fever. The fever had gotten pretty high, 105, so the doctor told the family to take the baby to the ER.

When the family got back to the car, however, they took Heber’s temperature once more and noticed that it had dropped significantly. His temp fell to 102, which is no reason to head to the ER.

“He’s acting normal. He’s dancing with his sisters in his car seat. And I take his temperature and it’s 102,” said Beck.


As TFTP has previously reported, children who get taken by the state get put into a system that is rife with abuse. An estimated 18,000 children—every single year—go missing from these “protective care” systems. Thousands of those children are then sold into sex slavery. In fact, as we reported this week, it’s estimated that 88 percent of sex trafficked children come from this system. Hopefully this family gets their kids back before they become a number in these most disturbing statistics.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
Literally such a small pool for study that this seems like useless information... 666 kids studied? Compared to? Seems like propaganda more than anything.

Firstly, that is a big enough sample size to produce meaningful results assuming the selectors and other factors are done correctly.

Secondly, so-called 'anti-vaxxers' have been screaming from the roof-tops for 'officials' to do a real total health outcome study using their vast resources.  ('Real' meaning the protocols are negotiated in public and adhered to, and that the data is accessible to all.)  The fact that there is a dedicated effort to avoid one serves as a strong indication that TPTB know exactly what they'll find and have no interest in finding it.  At least to me it does.  I'll wager that they'll find just what this grass-roots research found, and probably worse.

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 531
Crypto is King.
Literally such a small pool for study that this seems like useless information... 666 kids studied? "compared 261 unvaccinated children with 405 partially or fully vaccinated children" Seems like propaganda more than anything. Twice as many vaccinated children lol. Children who go out into the world instead of being kept home away from where they would even contract things. lel. Still, I won't deny the price gouging and unethical practices of pharma. I never get my flu shot and have yet to get the flu as well so... meh. I am for vax for things like pox, etc. All the things kids catch at school. Things like flu though I prefer not to get vaxxed bc everyone I see that gets it usually winds up with the flu lmao.
Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

Here's quite a valuable piece about fraud in science generally, but as one example there is information about one of the vaccine frauds and how it was pulled off:

I started the clip at Kennedy's speech part, but the whole thing is quite interesting.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
The FDA chief want the federal government to mandate to the states that non-medical vaccination exemptions are no longer allowed.

I predicted that there would be a handful of promises that Trump made on the campaign trail which conflict with the long-term goals and projects of (((his people))) and he would weasel out of them somehow if he were indeed a phony.

 - No more wars in the middle east  (weaseled.)
 - Protect the 2nd amendment (waffled.)
 - vaccines safety (weaseling and doing less than shit.)
 - flood the US with migrants (weaseling/waffling/faking.)
 - dual-citizens/neocons running critical aspects of our country (Oh man!)

Verdict: 'phony'  Of course we could see that starting on day one, and it was certain over a year ago at least.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
Speaking of the Rooshins my dear friend FHF...

American and (Bolshevik) USSR governments were closely aligned enough in the 50's that mass vaccination trials of American-based research were being carried out on Russian populations.  (((Hard to know how that was happening in the middle of the cold war, but anyway...)))

When the SV40 cancer virus was identified in all polio vaccines, the joke in Merck's research lab was that the USSR would do poorly in the Olympics because they would be lugging around giant tumors.

Thankfully this particular undetected virus was removed from the vaccine and no more people were so infected after the early 60's...and after the existing stocks were used up.  Of course it had no effect which we can tell because only less than half of the population cohort so injected gets cancer these days.  Move along; nothing to see here.

Thankfully today's pharmaceutical corporations are much more ethical and we can be sure that there are no bad-apples in the bunch.  Else we might see things like price gouging and so forth.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

Here's a per-emptive post of mine from another thread which is, unsurprisingly (and very chicken-shitedly), self-moderated:


Wow, a self-moderated thread to 'control the narrative' since pro-vaccine propagandists are getting trounced on BADecker's real and unmoderated 'guess who is sicker' thread.  Who could have seen that coming?

Then we have the red scare 'it's the Rooshins I tell you' tactic.  Lol!

How long before speaking against vaccines (aka, 'conspiracy theories') and, more generally, against pharmaceutical corporations is labeled 'antisemitic'?  Probably within the year by the looks of things.  Still a few loose ends to tie up before _anything_ so labeled is a automatically a 'hate crime.'

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
We need to ban vaccines until we have proof that they are safe on a batch by batch basis.

Well, two accounts were obviously bought by Rothschild to reduce the population. Please speak for yourself, I don't need measles infected zombies walking around me.

There aren't any measles infected zombies. There are vaccinated zombies. Measles, itself, is like a natural "vaccination" against all kinds of other diseases.

The hypothesis that having one's immune system exercised by these generally low-risk 'right-of-passage' childhood ailments results in a stronger immune system which pays dividends throughout one's life is by no means crazy.  I'll bet money (and the well-being of my family) that it would be shown to have some merit if it were allowed to be studied.  Alas, in our current 'cult science' climate it won't be except by independent researchers...and a few who've gone off the reservation and developed some results in the short window of time before they've been shut down.*

Note that what we have here, by the simple expression of the 'null hypothesis', is a guy who feels strongly that 'we' SHOULD have pharmaceutical corporations be giving potentially unsafe batches of drugs to the populations of their choice.

It's a little annoying to have 'society' call US unreasonable, but oh well.  My respect for these indoctrinated drones is so low that I really don't care a lot.  Yes, it's bothersome that they may be a factor in having a literal gun pointed at my head if I don't comply with corp/gov's vaccine mandates, but at the end of the day 99% of them are just conditioned retards who 'know not what they do.'  They are not even worth hating on.

(*) This followed directly after Eisenhower's famous 'military industrial complex' stanza in his farewell speech, and is probably even more profound:

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
We need to ban vaccines until we have proof that they are safe on a batch by batch basis.

Well, two accounts were obviously bought by Rothschild to reduce the population. Please speak for yourself, I don't need measles infected zombies walking around me.

You are confusing measles with opiates which make people into zombies for years before they die, and they die by the 100,000's.

Measles is like having the flu for week and confers life-long immunity.  This naturally obtained immunity is also protective of future nursing children if the mother gets it in her childhood.  This covers the window left open by big-pharma's plan, and small babies are the most prone mortality from the ailment.  Measles, like chicken pox, only became a big scary threat when big-pharma developed a vaccine and were able to formulate what their marketing people call a 'franchise' for this disease.*

It's not surprising that you don't worry about the real problems since big pharma makes a ton off opiates.  And zombified dependent population is exactly what our political leaders want.  I doubt that you personally want this, but you seem typical of the innumerate sheeple in terms of analytical abilities and have been conditioned by mainstream media like the rest.

(*) There are real health threats which are NO JOKE, and some of them are addressable via vaccination.  Smallpox is an example.  I'll have my kid vaccinated for smallpox if it is a threat, but I'll be very careful about where I get it, and it won't be part of some mass-vaccination program run by corp/gov, or by some Gates associated NGO, to 'help' the lower classes.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
We need to ban vaccines until we have proof that they are safe on a batch by batch basis.

Well, two accounts were obviously bought by Rothschild to reduce the population. Please speak for yourself, I don't need measles infected zombies walking around me.

There aren't any measles infected zombies. There are vaccinated zombies. Measles, itself, is like a natural "vaccination" against all kinds of other diseases.

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1362
We need to ban vaccines until we have proof that they are safe on a batch by batch basis.

Well, two accounts were obviously bought by Rothschild to reduce the population. Please speak for yourself, I don't need measles infected zombies walking around me.
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