Yeah probably but it's a slippery slope. If they come out and say vaccines aren't 100% safe and there is a chance your kid will get something undesirable, A LOT more parents will stop vaccinating their kids which will lead to really bad consequences in the future.
Here you are incorrect. Institutionalized falsehood always in the long run leads to worse outcomes then truth. Your logic is understandable. Indeed its probably the very logic the scientist in TECSHARE article used when he falsified his research. It is also wrong.
The problem with lying is that there are always unanticipated side effects. By giving the general impression that any disease for which we have a vaccine is effectively cured as well as the false idea that vaccines do no harm leads to the following bad outcomes.
1) We become apathetic about actually eliminating the disease. We have only wiped out only one disease in history and that was decades ago. That is pathetic given our level of technological development. Measles, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Polio, ect are all diseases with no animal reservoir and a viable vaccine. There is no logical reason that these diseases should not all be extinct within 15 years. Then we would never need to consider taking a vaccine for it again. However, no one cares anymore because they view it as someone else's problem. They have had their "safe" vaccine why bother.
2) Lies are always exposed. Once they are what chance do you have of wiping out disease then? Do you really think primitive uneducated people will trust you and take their vaccines even when it is their interest to do so once the vaccination proponent has been exposed as a liar and caught minimizing the dangers of his vaccine?
3) Vaccine's work but have rare catastrophic outcomes, the heavy metal preservatives used in some of them are also probably cumulatively toxic with some preservatives worse then others. These are risks that can be minimized and mitigated if we prioritized doing so. We don't prioritize risk reduction when we deny the risk exists.
In the long run falsehood is far more destructive then truth.
If we are honest and fully disclose everything about vaccines yes there would be many who would initially refused to take them relying on others and hoping to hide in the herd immunity. It would even probably lead to disease outbreaks among the unvaccinated in first world countries. However, in the long run it will set the stage for the true elimination of these pathogens.