
Topic: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? - page 21. (Read 45532 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The point is this. Nobody presents a product to the public without testing it, and showing the tests when asked. For example. Imagine you are a gunsmith. And you are building a new kind of gun. Don't you do thousands of tests on the metal alloy, and the metallurgy of the metal alloy, and powder kinds and amounts, and anything else you can think of, so that you won't hurt yourself when you use your new gun, or anybody else?

And don't you make the test reports available to anybody who wants to see the ways that you tested?

So, why can't the government come up with even one safety test in court for vaccines? -

Especially when other people are reporting that it is the vaccinated people who are spreading the diseases? -

Doesn't anybody find it a bit odd that we can't seem to find the formal test reports on the actual testing that was done to prove safety? Government can't even seem to find the batch safety tests that are required for the various batches of vaccine serum that were made.

Does somebody get a piece of PVC plumbing pipe, and use it to make a shotgun barrel and firing mechanism? Of course not. It isn't safe. In fact, it is downright dangerous. So, why are we so happy to get injected with a bunch of stuff that doesn't have a bunch of independent testing laboratory test reports behind it?, and doesn't have even one report when demanded in court?

How in the world stupid and foolish can we get? But that is what the medical has seemed to have converted us into when we simply accept them because a doctor said so.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
As I said, the drugs that the doctor pushed were the root cause of his problem.

You said that not being told he had to eat salt caused him to have a heart attack. Heart attacks are caused by arteries being block by clots or fat. Imbalances in salt levels cannot cause a heart attack. You are simply wrong.

And we can get clots how?  Think back to your 'med school days' (Chuckle).  That's right...circulation problems.  And what can cause circulation problems class?  Arrhythmias.  Very good.  And what can cause arrhythmias?  That's right...problematic signalling.  And what can cause signaling problems?  Oh Oh, I know!  Pick me, pick me!  Electrolyte imbalances.

Again, you are saying that 50% of the mortality is things which go wrong with surgeries of this nature, right?

Again, I never said that. 50% seems high, but since you have provided no evidence for your figure of 50%,

You used a bullshit argument.  Got called on it and got spanked.  Don't worry, your 'tarded fan-boy Astergath won't understand it and he will still love you.

Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
As I said, the drugs that the doctor pushed were the root cause of his problem.

You said that not being told he had to eat salt caused him to have a heart attack. Heart attacks are caused by arteries being block by clots or fat. Imbalances in salt levels cannot cause a heart attack. You are simply wrong.

'medical mis-hap' is a subset of 'recognized risk'.

I never said "medical mis-haps" don't exist. But you seem incapable of accepting that slicing someone open carries a risk, regardless of how skilled the operator is.

Again, you are saying that 50% of the mortality is things which go wrong with surgeries of this nature, right?

Again, I never said that. 50% seems high, but since you have provided no evidence for your figure of 50%, I can't comment specifically. (And no, a link to an e-Magazine published by a community college with an article written by Tony Isaacs, the same guy who thinks that olives cure HIV and turmeric cures brain cancer, does not constitute evidence.)

There is literally no point arguing - they won't accept the evidence because they don't understand what is and is not evidence. Facebook moms "doing their research" are somehow equivalent to hundreds of years of global scientific advancement in their eyes.

All you are doing is proving my initial statement that you don't understand evidence, you don't understand medicine or science, and there is literally nothing that can be said that will change your mind. Your arguments are entirely ad hominems and strawmen. Stick to your excellent research that makes you think not eating enough salt causes heart attacks. Roll Eyes
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Ya 'doc', ions in the blood play no role in heart function.  Lol!  Did you know that Na is sodium and K is potassium?  Didn't think so.  Brando;  It's got Electrolytes!

I never said they play no role in heart function. I said deranged salt levels do not cause heart attacks. That is a super basic fact. Nice strawman though.

As I said, the drugs that the doctor pushed were the root cause of his problem.  You have heard of doctors issueing special instructions when perscribing certain drugs and pharmacists doing the same when dispensiging, right 'doc'?

then this means that 50% of deaths in the normal state are a result of mis-haps during elective surgeries.  Right?  If not, please enlighten us on how to solve this riddle.  'Doctor'.

Recognised risk != medical "mis-hap". If you are cracking someone's chest open and putting them on cardiac bypass to perform a heart transplant, valve replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting, etc. you can do everything right and the patient can still die. That is the nature of "risk".

'medical mis-hap' is a subset of 'recognized risk'.  Like when a visiting army doctor hooks up the heart/lung machine backward and tries for 10 minutes to pump blood backwards.  The patient died of course.  An OR nurse friend of mine told me about that one.  They kept their mouths shut and got away with it.

Another logical inference would be that nobody is actually saved by seeing a doctor for something not recognized as an emergency.

The vast majority of medical work is for things that are not emergencies. Joint replacement surgeries for arthritic hips and knees. Cholecystectomies for gallstones. Corrective spinal surgeries for scoliosis. Nissen fundoplications for GERD. Varicose vein surgeries. Hernia repairs. Gastric bands. Total abdominal hysterectomies. Salpingo-oophorectomies. Etc. Etc. Etc. None of these procedures are either emergency surgery or life-saving. They are for relieving symptoms and improving quality of life. And yet every surgery, no matter how small, and no matter if everything goes right, still carries a risk of mortality. This is not a difficult concept.

As I said before, all you are doing with your ongoing ramblings is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have absolutely no understanding of medicine or healthcare.

OK, for the sake of argument, let's pretend that doctors never make mistakes, and when the patient dies on the table it is just a 'recognized risk.'  Again, you are saying that 50% of the mortality is things which go wrong with surgeries of this nature, right?

I'm terribly sorry to have strained your capacity for logical thought here, but be a scholar kid and keep at it just like you did in your 'med school'.  (chuckle)  We'll get through it together.

Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
And having their wallets cleaned out as a result.

This literally only happens in the US. The US healthcare system is the most expensive and the worst in the developed world. Most developed countries don't bankrupt their citizens for falling ill. The stupidity of the US healthcare system and the greed of the US politicians who fight so hard to maintain this corrupt system for their own profit is not an argument against modern medicine. It's only an argument against US politics.

you need more drugs and maybe some more costly procedures.

Again, this is only an argument against the US.

Ya 'doc', ions in the blood play no role in heart function.  Lol!  Did you know that Na is sodium and K is potassium?  Didn't think so.  Brando;  It's got Electrolytes!

I never said they play no role in heart function. I said deranged salt levels do not cause heart attacks. That is a super basic fact. Nice strawman though.

then this means that 50% of deaths in the normal state are a result of mis-haps during elective surgeries.  Right?  If not, please enlighten us on how to solve this riddle.  'Doctor'.

Recognised risk != medical "mis-hap". If you are cracking someone's chest open and putting them on cardiac bypass to perform a heart transplant, valve replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting, etc. you can do everything right and the patient can still die. That is the nature of "risk".

Another logical inference would be that nobody is actually saved by seeing a doctor for something not recognized as an emergency.

The vast majority of medical work is for things that are not emergencies. Joint replacement surgeries for arthritic hips and knees. Cholecystectomies for gallstones. Corrective spinal surgeries for scoliosis. Nissen fundoplications for GERD. Varicose vein surgeries. Hernia repairs. Gastric bands. Total abdominal hysterectomies. Salpingo-oophorectomies. Etc. Etc. Etc. None of these procedures are either emergency surgery or life-saving. They are for relieving symptoms and improving quality of life. And yet every surgery, no matter how small, and no matter if everything goes right, still carries a risk of mortality. This is not a difficult concept.

As I said before, all you are doing with your ongoing ramblings is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have absolutely no understanding of medicine or healthcare.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
-list of anecdotes and ad hominems-

Among the so-called 'anecdotes and ad hominems' which you snipped was the following riddle:

If 50% fewer people die when doctors go on strike, and this is because doctors are no longer providing elective surgeries, then this means that 50% of deaths in the normal state are a result of mis-haps during elective surgeries.  Right?  If not, please enlighten us on how to solve this riddle.  'Doctor'.

Another logical inference would be that nobody is actually saved by seeing a doctor for something not recognized as an emergency.  Nobody having a serious event which they thought was probably trivial but decided to check out with a doctor anyway just to be safe is actually saved by doctors recognizing the significance.  If it were, then the number of people who die when doctors are not around would go up instead of down.

I'm sorry if logic is not your thing, but maybe you could have a stab at it anyway...instead of labeling it an 'anecdote or ad hominem'.  That's what lazy ignorant liars do, but it only impresses other ignorant losers.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
they won't accept the evidence because they don't understand what is and is not evidence.

-list of anecdotes and ad hominems-

Thanks for proving my point so eloquently.

Over 30% of the population have MRSA at any given time. Everyone who attends hospital is routinely screened for it. They came out of hospital with a new diagnosis, not a new a infection.

No, they go in fine and come out looking like this:

If it isn't happening where you are, congratulations.  Maybe you already live in a UN authorized human habitat zone.

The main trick the medical/industrial complex uses these days is the 'it is your fault' strategy.  'It's you genetics.'  'It's your eating habits.'  'You already had MRSA.'  Maybe you guys are right most of the goyim are so stupid and brainwashed that they will buy this bullshit.  Not all of us are though.  The simple fact is that the hospital is awash in MRSA and that's why people are having their feet fall off after they walk out the door.  And having their wallets cleaned out as a result.

Bowel perforation is a completely recognised risk of any colonoscopy. This would have been clearly stated in the consent form.

It's a recognized risk of having a doctor shove something up your ass for no good reason other than to tell you you need more drugs and maybe some more costly procedures.  If you don't have a problem that the doctor can charge for a simple 'twist of the wrist' can create one.

Low salt levels do not cause heart attacks. Period.

Ya 'doc', ions in the blood play no role in heart function.  Lol!  Did you know that Na is sodium and K is potassium?  Didn't think so.  Brando;  It's got Electrolytes!

Again, all you are proving is that you have literally zero knowledge or education in matters of medicine and healthcare. Why anyone would listen to your nonsense ramblings about vaccines is beyond me. But please, post more incoherent spam about how I'm part of some secret world vaccine mafia.

Let the reader decide.  Just like they decided when I said that BTC was worth a chance at $2.00.  Some thought my logic made sense even though I didn't hold a degree in economics and some did not.  Shrug.

Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
they won't accept the evidence because they don't understand what is and is not evidence.

-list of anecdotes and ad hominems-

Thanks for proving my point so eloquently.

Over 30% of the population have MRSA at any given time. Everyone who attends hospital is routinely screened for it. They came out of hospital with a new diagnosis, not a new a infection.

Bowel perforation is a completely recognised risk of any colonoscopy. This would have been clearly stated in the consent form.

Low salt levels do not cause heart attacks. Period.

Again, all you are proving is that you have literally zero knowledge or education in matters of medicine and healthcare. Why anyone would listen to your nonsense ramblings about vaccines is beyond me. But please, post more incoherent spam about how I'm part of some secret world vaccine mafia.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

You are clearly paid by the jews. Hahahaha I didn't even see that. This guy is no different than flat earthers, you are right.

Hey, I didn't refer to the guy as Dr. Spamz-Alotenstein.  Mostly because I didn't think to do so.

If the guy is one of the tiny number of Jewish doctors in the U.S., and if he is influence by the Babylonian Talmud and it's extreme racial supremacist teachings, then literally anything is possible when it comes to harming the goyim for the benefit of 'the Jews.'

If the guy is of the ultra-orthodox messianic doomsday cult know as Chabad-Lubavitch (as are Jared and Ivanka Kushner) note that their quasi-messiah and final Rebbe (a guy named Menachem Mendel Schneerson) writes that in God's eyes a fingernail of any Jew is more valuable than the lives of all of the goyim on earth.

You may call this being 'anti-semitic', but I don't think it is.  It's simply a matter of understanding the world we live in...and die in for that matter.  There are a great many Jews who are as repulsed by this stuff as I am and as any normal person should be.


Edit:  BTW, here's what the Great Rebbe looked like:

Jared and Ivanka Kushner went to the guy's grave to pray for Donald Trump to win POTUS.

Here's Netenyahoo promising to work hard on the project of bringing in the Messiah that they have long awaited back when Schneerson was still alive:

Few people know that the U.S. honors Rebbe Schneerson and the '7 noahide laws' that these people have lined out for the non-Jews to follow every year.  This by an act of congress.  It's called 'education day'.  It's kind of hard to argue that these freaks have no influence in the U.S..

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

A significant proportion of deaths are as a result of complications of surgery. Every surgery, no matter how minor, carries a risk of death with it. If doctors strike, all non-emergency operations are cancelled, and that risk of death disappears. Failure to understand this completely basic fact is just more proof that you have literally zero idea how healthcare works.

Also, I am a doctor, and I confirm I am "in the club". I only get the real vaccines made from unicorn tears.

Oh ya....Dr. Spamsalot.  The one with nothing better to do than pump some scamy betting site on a crypto-currency forum.  I remember you!  How you been?

So you would say that in the total mortality rates, these kinds of percentages (18% to over 50%) would have been from complications of planned surgeries?  Otherwise your hypothesis doesn't make much sense.  Seems a little high to me, but I stay away from doctors and hospitals so I don't really know off the top of my head.

I do know that in the hospital in my town lots of people come out of the place with MRSA.  You might go in for a routine doctor recommended colonoscopy for no reason other than you are old and come out with a hole in your large intestine.  Yes, that happened to a neighbor.  Or your doctor might 'put you on' some medicine but neglect to tell you that you have to eat salt when taking it and you'll have a heart attack.  This happened to my uncle and he had a heart attack.

In my area doctors will not accept patients unless they agree to take all of the pharma products that the doctor prescribes without question.  This includes any vaccines the doctor suggests.  I know this because a family member who moved to the area found it out the hard way.  For my part I chose to flee the country because it was a viable option for me.

My area has significant rural lands with timber resources mostly.  It seems that these are just the types of areas where the bankster class wishes to have lower population densities.  Almost all countries have areas with a similar socio-economic profile, and the pressure to depopulate these and encourage the population movements to high-density 'human habitats' in certain planned 'mega-regions' is surprisingly similar across the globe.  In totalitarian countries like China it is accomplished by more forceful means.  So-called 'free' so-called 'democracies' require different methods to achieve the best results.

Of course you cannot achieve such stunning results as the 4th leading cause of death without a lot of help from the doctors who are members of the AMA crime syndicate.  They are an integral part of the system.

So you guys are directly responsible for the 4th leading cause of death in a society with 350M souls but have the gall (or 'chutzpah') to cry about the anti-vaxxers who 'caused' the Disneyland 'epidemic' of measles where, IIRC, there were a couple hundred cases and there was not a single death.  What a joke you are.

To add insult to injury, measles is yet another vaccine which doesn't actually solve the problem it is hyped up to solve.  Yawn:
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
I'm not going to get involved in this debate, because anti-vaxxers are as insane as the flat earthers. There is literally no point arguing - they won't accept the evidence because they don't understand what is and is not evidence. Facebook moms "doing their research" are somehow equivalent to hundreds of years of global scientific advancement in their eyes.

I only wanted to comment on this, because this is a whole new level of stupid:


Kinda like back in 1977 or thereabouts, when the doctors in Orange County, CA, went on strike for a month, and there were 50% fewer deaths in Orange County that month.

Lol!  Why am I not surprised?  Doesn't seem to be an isolated incident either:


Whenever medical doctors go on strike, a most interesting phenomenon occurs - death rates go down! In 1976 in Bogota, Columbia medical doctors went on strike for 52 days, with only emergency care available. The death rate dropped by 35%. In 1976 in Los Angeles County a similar doctors' strike resulted in an 18% drop in mortality. As soon as the strike was over, the death rate went back to normal. A 50% decrease in mortality occurred in Israel in 1973 when there was a one month doctor's strike!

I'm sensing that Doctors are commonly admitted 'into the club' and are given certain protections as long as they are acting in the interest of the 'club owners.'  The minority who take an active interest in understanding the end goals and show zeal in the game-play are given seats on various boards (e.g., the boards who decide what to inject into the kiddies.)  The same is even more true of 'scientists'.

A significant proportion of deaths are as a result of complications of surgery. Every surgery, no matter how minor, carries a risk of death with it. If doctors strike, all non-emergency operations are cancelled, and that risk of death disappears. Failure to understand this completely basic fact is just more proof that you have literally zero idea how healthcare works.

Also, I am a doctor, and I confirm I am "in the club". I only get the real vaccines made from unicorn tears.

Risk of death is not the same as death. The reports that tvbcof shows don't have anything to do with risk of death. They have to do with death.

Also, now that we know where you get your vaccines from, no wonder there is death from doctors.



Let me use some easy examples that even a kid would understand....

People die, even from simple surgeries, when doctors are working they are performing surgeries, let's say the perform 100.000 simple surgeries and 50 people die on those, when they are NOT performing these simple surgeries, 50 people DO NOT die, so basically by going on strike they are ''saving'' 50 people, this wont work forever though, as more time passes the death rates will start to climb fast.

Punch yourself please.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I'm not going to get involved in this debate, because anti-vaxxers are as insane as the flat earthers. There is literally no point arguing - they won't accept the evidence because they don't understand what is and is not evidence. Facebook moms "doing their research" are somehow equivalent to hundreds of years of global scientific advancement in their eyes.

I only wanted to comment on this, because this is a whole new level of stupid:


Kinda like back in 1977 or thereabouts, when the doctors in Orange County, CA, went on strike for a month, and there were 50% fewer deaths in Orange County that month.

Lol!  Why am I not surprised?  Doesn't seem to be an isolated incident either:


Whenever medical doctors go on strike, a most interesting phenomenon occurs - death rates go down! In 1976 in Bogota, Columbia medical doctors went on strike for 52 days, with only emergency care available. The death rate dropped by 35%. In 1976 in Los Angeles County a similar doctors' strike resulted in an 18% drop in mortality. As soon as the strike was over, the death rate went back to normal. A 50% decrease in mortality occurred in Israel in 1973 when there was a one month doctor's strike!

I'm sensing that Doctors are commonly admitted 'into the club' and are given certain protections as long as they are acting in the interest of the 'club owners.'  The minority who take an active interest in understanding the end goals and show zeal in the game-play are given seats on various boards (e.g., the boards who decide what to inject into the kiddies.)  The same is even more true of 'scientists'.

A significant proportion of deaths are as a result of complications of surgery. Every surgery, no matter how minor, carries a risk of death with it. If doctors strike, all non-emergency operations are cancelled, and that risk of death disappears. Failure to understand this completely basic fact is just more proof that you have literally zero idea how healthcare works.

Also, I am a doctor, and I confirm I am "in the club". I only get the real vaccines made from unicorn tears.

Risk of death is not the same as death. The reports that tvbcof shows don't have anything to do with risk of death. They have to do with death.

Also, now that we know where you get your vaccines from, no wonder there is death from doctors.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
I'm not going to get involved in this debate, because anti-vaxxers are as insane as the flat earthers. There is literally no point arguing - they won't accept the evidence because they don't understand what is and is not evidence. Facebook moms "doing their research" are somehow equivalent to hundreds of years of global scientific advancement in their eyes.

I only wanted to comment on this, because this is a whole new level of stupid:


Kinda like back in 1977 or thereabouts, when the doctors in Orange County, CA, went on strike for a month, and there were 50% fewer deaths in Orange County that month.

Lol!  Why am I not surprised?  Doesn't seem to be an isolated incident either:


Whenever medical doctors go on strike, a most interesting phenomenon occurs - death rates go down! In 1976 in Bogota, Columbia medical doctors went on strike for 52 days, with only emergency care available. The death rate dropped by 35%. In 1976 in Los Angeles County a similar doctors' strike resulted in an 18% drop in mortality. As soon as the strike was over, the death rate went back to normal. A 50% decrease in mortality occurred in Israel in 1973 when there was a one month doctor's strike!

I'm sensing that Doctors are commonly admitted 'into the club' and are given certain protections as long as they are acting in the interest of the 'club owners.'  The minority who take an active interest in understanding the end goals and show zeal in the game-play are given seats on various boards (e.g., the boards who decide what to inject into the kiddies.)  The same is even more true of 'scientists'.

A significant proportion of deaths are as a result of complications of surgery. Every surgery, no matter how minor, carries a risk of death with it. If doctors strike, all non-emergency operations are cancelled, and that risk of death disappears. Failure to understand this completely basic fact is just more proof that you have literally zero idea how healthcare works.

Also, I am a doctor, and I confirm I am "in the club". I only get the real vaccines made from unicorn tears.

You are clearly paid by the jews. Hahahaha I didn't even see that. This guy is no different than flat earthers, you are right.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 18706
I'm not going to get involved in this debate, because anti-vaxxers are as insane as the flat earthers. There is literally no point arguing - they won't accept the evidence because they don't understand what is and is not evidence. Facebook moms "doing their research" are somehow equivalent to hundreds of years of global scientific advancement in their eyes.

I only wanted to comment on this, because this is a whole new level of stupid:


Kinda like back in 1977 or thereabouts, when the doctors in Orange County, CA, went on strike for a month, and there were 50% fewer deaths in Orange County that month.

Lol!  Why am I not surprised?  Doesn't seem to be an isolated incident either:


Whenever medical doctors go on strike, a most interesting phenomenon occurs - death rates go down! In 1976 in Bogota, Columbia medical doctors went on strike for 52 days, with only emergency care available. The death rate dropped by 35%. In 1976 in Los Angeles County a similar doctors' strike resulted in an 18% drop in mortality. As soon as the strike was over, the death rate went back to normal. A 50% decrease in mortality occurred in Israel in 1973 when there was a one month doctor's strike!

I'm sensing that Doctors are commonly admitted 'into the club' and are given certain protections as long as they are acting in the interest of the 'club owners.'  The minority who take an active interest in understanding the end goals and show zeal in the game-play are given seats on various boards (e.g., the boards who decide what to inject into the kiddies.)  The same is even more true of 'scientists'.

A significant proportion of deaths are as a result of complications of surgery. Every surgery, no matter how minor, carries a risk of death with it. If doctors strike, all non-emergency operations are cancelled, and that risk of death disappears. Failure to understand this completely basic fact is just more proof that you have literally zero idea how healthcare works.

Also, I am a doctor, and I confirm I am "in the club". I only get the real vaccines made from unicorn tears.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

Lymerix worked. Even after it was taken down and more tests/studies were performed, the consensus was still the same, the Lymerix vaccine was safe. Do you accept this or not? If not you are just a lying, dishonest person.

I don't accept that, and I doubt that the people who were maimed and sued for damages do either.

At least Lyme disease is a serious thing and possibly worth the risk of the vaccine damage in certain corner-case scenarios.  Unlike chicken-pox or mumps where they maim kids for dollars for no good reason at all.  They also deprive people of just getting the mild illness, getting it over with, and having life-long immunity as is the case with me (a 51 year old with zero medical problems who has not needed to see a doctor in years...and even then I didn't have a pressing need since I could easily have treated myself.)

The only time I've seen a doctor in the last 5 years is to get antibiotics after getting tick bites which made me actually ill...when I don't get ill from a tick bite I don't worry about it.  The proper antibiotics are cheap and easy to get without a prescription if one knows where to look, but I went in anyway because I enjoy chatting with the doctor.  She's actually pretty cool and is no fan of our totally broken public-ish 'health care' system either.

Then that's it for me, I'm putting you on ignore, I don't like intellectual dishonesty, you clearly are not going to agree with anything even when evidence is presented and you will simply keep saying the same things, oh but this government agency faked the results or they don't care, etc etc. Cya.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Lymerix worked. Even after it was taken down and more tests/studies were performed, the consensus was still the same, the Lymerix vaccine was safe. Do you accept this or not? If not you are just a lying, dishonest person.

I don't accept that, and I doubt that the people who were maimed and sued for damages do either.

At least Lyme disease is a serious thing and possibly worth the risk of the vaccine damage in certain corner-case scenarios.  Unlike chicken-pox or mumps where they maim kids for dollars for no good reason at all.  They also deprive people of just getting the mild illness, getting it over with, and having life-long immunity as is the case with me (a 51 year old with zero medical problems who has not needed to see a doctor in years...and even then I didn't have a pressing need since I could easily have treated myself.)

The only time I've seen a doctor in the last 5 years is to get antibiotics after getting tick bites which made me actually ill...when I don't get ill from a tick bite I don't worry about it.  The proper antibiotics are cheap and easy to get without a prescription if one knows where to look, but I went in anyway because I enjoy chatting with the doctor.  She's actually pretty cool and is no fan of our totally broken public-ish 'health care' system either.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

'In the aftermath of the LYMErix™ market withdrawal, we must look for lessons learned. The vaccine developers believed they developed a safe and effective vaccine to prevent the most common tick-borne infection in the United States. Even available post-market surveillance failed to demonstrate convincing harm from the LYMErix™ vaccine. After review of available data, the FDA found insufficient evidence to support a causal relationship between the reported adverse effects and the vaccine and continued to permit use of the vaccine. '

Vaccines work. Some vaccines have side effects, it happens, we are humans. Vaccines are not 100% safe but are extremely effective, specially against deadly diseases.

Then why are there still 'deadly diseases'?  A possible answer is that vaccines are nearly 100% snake oil and they rely on the fact that something which used to take out 1/100,000 people in the 1800's is now re-written in the history books as a 'deadly disease' which was 'cured' by vaccines.  They are not developed for genuine threats because it would be to hard to fake a victory for something which people actually remember.

LYMErix was one of the vaccines which didn't work for shit.  Even after three injections it was only '76 to 92 percent effective.'  That strikes me as fairly wide error bars, but anyway...  Vaccines have an especially hard time against bacteria (as opposed to viruses) which is why Pertussis (whooping cough) is another vaccine which is in or past failure mode.  That's why outbreaks happen among highly vaccinated populations.

A major pharma company could inject pure AIDS into people and call it a 'vaccine' and the FDA would give it the 'safe and effective' blessing.  These bureaucrats are hungry for the big pay-day on the other side of the revolving door.

The problem with you is you are talking out of your ass:

''A possible answer is that vaccines are nearly 100% snake oil and they rely on the fact that something which used to take out 1/100,000 people in the 1800's is now re-written in the history books as a 'deadly disease' which was 'cured' by vaccines.  They are not developed for genuine threats because it would be to hard to fake a victory for something which people actually remember.'' Where is the evidence.

''LYMErix was one of the vaccines which didn't work for shit'' If it's 76%+ effective, I would say it works very well.

''Vaccines have an especially hard time against bacteria'' So what? I didn't say vaccines are the cure to everything, I just said they are highly effective, a 76% success rate is highly effective.

''A major pharma company could inject pure AIDS into people and call it a 'vaccine' and the FDA would give it the 'safe and effective' blessing.  These bureaucrats are hungry for the big pay-day on the other side of the revolving door.'' Again, you would have to prove that.

Lymerix worked. Even after it was taken down and more tests/studies were performed, the consensus was still the same, the Lymerix vaccine was safe. Do you accept this or not? If not you are just a lying, dishonest person.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

'In the aftermath of the LYMErix™ market withdrawal, we must look for lessons learned. The vaccine developers believed they developed a safe and effective vaccine to prevent the most common tick-borne infection in the United States. Even available post-market surveillance failed to demonstrate convincing harm from the LYMErix™ vaccine. After review of available data, the FDA found insufficient evidence to support a causal relationship between the reported adverse effects and the vaccine and continued to permit use of the vaccine. '

Vaccines work. Some vaccines have side effects, it happens, we are humans. Vaccines are not 100% safe but are extremely effective, specially against deadly diseases.

Then why are there still 'deadly diseases'?  A possible answer is that vaccines are nearly 100% snake oil and they rely on the fact that something which used to take out 1/100,000 people in the 1800's is now re-written in the history books as a 'deadly disease' which was 'cured' by vaccines.  They are not developed for genuine threats because it would be to hard to fake a victory for something which people actually remember.

LYMErix was one of the vaccines which didn't work for shit.  Even after three injections it was only '76 to 92 percent effective.'  That strikes me as fairly wide error bars, but anyway...  Vaccines have an especially hard time against bacteria (as opposed to viruses) which is why Pertussis (whooping cough) is another vaccine which is in or past failure mode.  That's why outbreaks happen among highly vaccinated populations.

A major pharma company could inject pure AIDS into people and call it a 'vaccine' and the FDA would give it the 'safe and effective' blessing.  These bureaucrats are hungry for the big pay-day on the other side of the revolving door.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645

Goes over my head tbh why wouldn't you vaccine. Like you have all the vaccines for tick bites that can make you pretty much brain dead and why would I turn this down? Happened to my friend, luckily found out in the early stage that he has it and doesn't have much damage from the tick, but he's still not quite the same and I'm sure vaccine would have made a huge difference.

Ticks can carry a variety of problematic pathogens, but the main one at this time is Borrelia Burgdorferi (aka, Lyme disease.)

There was a vaccine developed and marketed for protection against this bacteria but it was removed from the market rather quickly because it had devastating health effects on a lot of people.  It was called 'LYMErix' if you wish to read about it.

The idea that ticks can be used to spread diseases to humans as a part of a biological warfare system dates back at least to the Nazi regime.  At least one of the top scientists working on such systems were given U.S. citizenship after the war and worked at Plumb Island Animal Disease Center'.  'Animal'.  Lol.  That facility is right across from Lyme, Connecticut of 'Lyme disease' fame just for what it's worth.

The U.S. military, officers commissioned by said, and other employees hold various patents on a variety of microbes which have potential for use as biological warfare agents (often of the so-called non-lethal variety so they just make target populations chronically ill rather than kill them.)  Also delivery systems/methods.  The Rockefeller institute owns zika and many others though.  Same Rockefeller clan who got their start selling 'snake oil' cures and who were highly interested population control and in eugenics.  And who spent a lot of money funding medical schools as part of their 'philanthropy.'

'In the aftermath of the LYMErix™ market withdrawal, we must look for lessons learned. The vaccine developers believed they developed a safe and effective vaccine to prevent the most common tick-borne infection in the United States. Even available post-market surveillance failed to demonstrate convincing harm from the LYMErix™ vaccine. After review of available data, the FDA found insufficient evidence to support a causal relationship between the reported adverse effects and the vaccine and continued to permit use of the vaccine. '

Vaccines work. Some vaccines have side effects, it happens, we are humans. Vaccines are not 100% safe but are extremely effective, specially against deadly diseases.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Goes over my head tbh why wouldn't you vaccine. Like you have all the vaccines for tick bites that can make you pretty much brain dead and why would I turn this down? Happened to my friend, luckily found out in the early stage that he has it and doesn't have much damage from the tick, but he's still not quite the same and I'm sure vaccine would have made a huge difference.

Ticks can carry a variety of problematic pathogens, but the main one at this time is Borrelia Burgdorferi (aka, Lyme disease.)

There was a vaccine developed and marketed for protection against this bacteria but it was removed from the market rather quickly because it had devastating health effects on a lot of people.  It was called 'LYMErix' if you wish to read about it.

The idea that ticks can be used to spread diseases to humans as a part of a biological warfare system dates back at least to the Nazi regime.  At least one of the top scientists working on such systems were given U.S. citizenship after the war and worked at Plumb Island Animal Disease Center'.  'Animal'.  Lol.  That facility is right across from Lyme, Connecticut of 'Lyme disease' fame just for what it's worth.

The U.S. military, officers commissioned by said, and other employees hold various patents on a variety of microbes which have potential for use as biological warfare agents (often of the so-called non-lethal variety so they just make target populations chronically ill rather than kill them.)  Also delivery systems/methods.  The Rockefeller institute owns zika and many others though.  Same Rockefeller clan who got their start selling 'snake oil' cures and who were highly interested population control and in eugenics.  And who spent a lot of money funding medical schools as part of their 'philanthropy.'

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