
Topic: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? - page 4. (Read 45540 times)

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
I think vaccination is very important and it works

Except that top medical people in the World Health Organization say different.

The World Health Organization's Vaccine Experts Inadvertently Communicate to the World...

Be certain to watch this important video before WHO deletes it:

A very comprehensive article on this issue read here.

In this expose, the WHO vaccine experts admit that:

Vaccines can be fatal.

The design of safety studies makes it difficult to spot problems.

Safety monitoring is inadequate.

Vaccine adjuvants increase risk.

"The FDA receives 45% of its annual budget from the pharmaceutical industry.

The World Health Organization (WHO) gets roughly half its budget from private sources, including Pharma and its allied foundations.

And the CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which is over 40% of its total budget." — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: W.H.O Scientists Question Safety Of Vaccines

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Thank you, it is really helpful and interesting to me. I think vaccination is very important and it works. I would also like to say that it is really important to take some supplements and vitamins for you to be healthy. I often get some for me from Canadian Pharmacy, and I recommend that you check out that service too, you can find a lot of great stuff and info there. Good luck with it Wink
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
Seems that the medical is using flu shots to spread the flu. Check the links in the site.

Over 50,000 Americans die from the flu each year… is it because they got the flu shot first?

Yes, the infamous CDC estimates that 56,000 people die from the flu each year, or at least from “flu-like” illness, but the real statistical information we need is how many of those folks received the influenza vaccine, and how soon afterwards did they croak from it? Science proves that you are most susceptible to getting the flu and spreading it during the first two weeks after you receive the mercury-laced vaccine.

There are two simple and valid explanations for this. One: The CDC guesses at which strains of the flu are “coming around” while combining two or three and genetically modifying them in laboratories. This means those strains don’t even match up with the wild strains anymore, and since your immune system is compromised by the toxic, carcinogenic adjuvants, additives, and preservatives (think thimerosal) in the jab, your chances of contracting the virus INCREASE rather than decrease.

Two: When the influenza vaccine is injected into your muscle tissue, you’re getting a “weakened” version of the virus strains because they’re forced to hibernate in formaldehyde (embalming fluid). This means that even if you don’t contract the flu yourself, you’re able to spread it to those around you by a process called shedding. This is when the vaccine industry blames the unvaccinated for spreading the flu, even though it’s actually the vaccinated who are the culprits. Tricky stuff, but it’s scientifically proven.

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
More and more research is showing that vaccines are producing some problems that are worse than what the vaccines are supposed to be protecting us from. And there still aren't any of the government mandated safety tests for vaccines surfacing from the medical or government.

157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

[Note that the information presented at the site is extensive. For this reason, none of it has been posted here. Go to the site and see that vaccines are dangerous, even if they are helpful a little.]


In the picture in the article^^, the vaccine promoters are looking out from the cage that the "backward" anti-vaxxers finally pushed them into. The anti-vaxxers are still in the primitive stages of proving all the dangers that are in vaccines, but they are gradually making great strides in getting the truth out. When they advance all the way to modern times, what they show the people will cause the people to rise up and execute the huge pharmaceutical companies.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
More and more research is showing that vaccines are producing some problems that are worse than what the vaccines are supposed to be protecting us from. And there still aren't any of the government mandated safety tests for vaccines surfacing from the medical or government.

157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

[Note that the information presented at the site is extensive. For this reason, none of it has been posted here. Go to the site and see that vaccines are dangerous, even if they are helpful a little.]

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
More and more research is showing that vaccines are producing some problems that are worse than what the vaccines are supposed to be protecting us from. And there still aren't any of the government mandated safety tests for vaccines surfacing from the medical or government.

157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

[Note that the information presented at the site is extensive. For this reason, none of it has been posted here. Go to the site and see that vaccines are dangerous, even if they are helpful a little.]

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
The word "neonatal" generally refers to babies (animals as well as human) in their first month of life.

Neonatal Nurse on Vaccines: We are Destroying an Entire Generation of Children

Michelle Rowton is neonatal nurse practioner, specializing in the care of children ages 2 years old and younger. She has worked for over 17 years working in NICU, with pre-mature and sick babies.

Michelle Rowton does not herself give vaccines to babies.

She recently sat down and conducted an interview with Polly Tommey during the VAXXED II film bus tour.

Michelle relates that in her undergraduate training to prepare her to be a nurse, that the only thing she was taught about vaccines was how to give the injections.

When she was in graduate school studying for her master's degree to become a neonatal nurse practioner, she says she was taught "coercive rhetoric" to get the parents to agree with vaccines.

Michelle discusses her early years of working in the NICU with premature babies, and the negative effects vaccines would have on these babies.

Polly then relates how vaccine apologists in the medical field will rationalize giving vaccines to young babies by stating that they have seen many deaths related to vaccine-preventable deaths among unvaccinated babies.

So she asks Michelle how many of these deaths by diseases that are allegedly prevented through vaccination that she has seen during all her years as a nurse, and she replies, "zero."

They're lying. Especially when they bring up chicken pox. I'm like, what nation were you in when that happened? Because it hasn't happened here.

Michelle also works as a Functional Medical Nurse practioner in the field for the past 7 years, where her focus is working with babies out in the field.

I moved out of the hospital and into the clinic, because I got to the point where I thought, this is the same thing over and over again. Yeah, I'm really good at putting in central lines, and putting in chest tubes, and saving these critical babies.

When they get to the convalescence stage, it is terrible what we're doing, and everybody's doing the same thing.

I can have more effect out in the community, in having these babies from birth until two – no antibiotics, no ear infections, no medications, setting them up for life to have a far less chance of autoimmune disease, chronic disease – all of that kind of stuff.

That's what I want to do now.

Michelle has three children of her own, all unvaccinated, and never been on antibiotics.

Michelle started the organization "Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines," which over the years we have featured numerous times here at Health Impact News, but she says they finally shut the group down because:

Nobody had the balls to actually stand up and do anything. If everybody had stood up and said "we're not going to stand for mandatory flu shots in the hospital," the whole thing would have gone away because they would have had no staff to run the hospital.

Everybody sitting around and doing nothing, collecting their paychecks, they're all complicit in the mass annihilation of an entire generation of children.

She encourages everyone to watch VAXXED II.

We are destroying an entire generation of children.

Listen to the full interview:

Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
Thanks, Mr Kenedy, for showing us how great the scope of corruption really is around us.

Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. - EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

With the permission of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., I've been authorized to allow you a sneak peek at his Foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.

I'd like to encourage all my readers to begin regularly using the expression, "plague of corruption," to refer to the outright bribery by the pharmaceutical companies of our democracy, our media, and our scientific community.

Moral Courage and Our Common Future
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"And yet, it moves!" Galileo whispered those defiant words in 1615 as he left the Roman Inquisition tribunal before which he repudiated his theory that the earth—the immovable center of the Universe according to contemporary orthodoxy—revolves around the sun. Had he not recanted; his life was forfeit.

We like to think of Galileo's struggles as the quaint artifact of a dark, ignorant, and tyrannical era where individuals challenged government-anointed superstitions only at grave personal risk. Dr. Judy Mikovits' story shows that stubborn orthodoxies anointed by Pharmaceutical companies and corrupt government regulators to protect power and profits remain a dominant force in science and politics.

By any standard, Dr. Judy Mikovits was among the most skilled scientists of her generation. She entered professional science from the University of Virginia with a B.A. degree in Chemistry on June 10, 1980 as a protein chemist for the National Cancer Institute (NCI) working on a life-saving project to purify interferon.

The quality of her work and her reliable flashes of genius soon propelled her to the apex of the male-dominated world of scientific research. At NCI, Mikovits began what would become a twenty-year collaboration with Dr. Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retrovirology. While heading up the lab of Robert Gallo in 1977, Rusectti made scientific history by co-discovering with Bernie Poiesz, the first human retrovirus, HTLV-1 (human T-cell leukemia virus).

A retrovirus is a "stealth virus" that, like HIV, enters the host without alerting the immune systems. It may then lay dormant for years without causing harm. Before killing a person, a retrovirus will usually destroy their immune system. As a result, many retroviruses cause cancer. With an escalating understanding of retrovirus behavior, the Ruscetti/ Mikovits collaboration and Mikovits award-winning PhD thesis from George Washington University in 1991, changed the paradigm of HIV-AIDS treatment, turning the disease from a death sentence into a manageable condition.

From the outset, the most daunting obstacle to Mikovits' career-advancement was her scientific integrity. She always placed it ahead of personal ambition. The first in her blue-collar family to go to attend university, Judy Mikovits never meant to wade into a public health turmoil. She never considered herself a renegade or revolutionary. Judy's relatives mainly worked in government or law enforcement. They believed in bedrock American principles of hard work, respect for authority, and above all, telling the truth. That backdrop made it impossible for her to abandon her high natal standards of honesty and integrity even when they became a hindrance.

After leaving NIH, she worked a stint for Upjohn—leading a project to prove the safety of the company's blockbuster Bovine Growth Hormone. When Mikovits discovered the company's formula could cause precancerous changes in human cell cultures, she refused direct orders from her boss to hide her discoveries. Mikovits' revelation suggested that the ubiquitous presence of the hormone in milk could lead to breast cancer in women who drank it. Her refusal to back down precipitated her departure from Upjohn and her return to NIH and graduate school. Judy's war on BGH eventually led to Upjohn abandoning the product.

In 2009, now in academia, Mikovits and Ruscetti, who was still at NCI, led a team that discovered a strong association between a previously unknown retrovirus and mylagic encephalomyelitis, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Predictably, the retrovirus was also linked to certain blood cancers. Collaborators had named it Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Related Virus (XMRV), when they first detected in DNA sequences in prostate Cancer a few years earlier.

The medical community had dealt with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which strikes mostly women, in bad faith since its appearance in the mid-1980s. The medical establishment derided ME/CFS as "yuppie flu" and attributed it to the inherent psychological fragility of career women pursuing professions in high pressure corporate ecosystems. Mikovits found evidence for the retrovirus in approximately 67 percent of women afflicted with ME/CFS, and in a little less than 4 percent of the healthy population.

On October 8, 2009, Mikovits and Ruscetti published their explosive findings in the journal Science, describing the first isolation of the recently discovered retrovirus, XMRV, and its association to ME/CFS. Her revelation about ME/CFS immediately triggered angry reaction from jealous cancer power centers, stubborn; resistant to science that attributed cancer and neuro-immune diseases to viruses . . .

I'd like to encourage you to pre-order a copy of PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, as that determines how much my publisher is likely to spend on the marketing campaign.

Also, every pre-order is counted on the day of the book's release, meaning that if we get enough (hopefully around 7,000 pre-orders) it should end up on the New York Times best-seller list.  (If they don't pull any tricks!)

Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
These are conspiracy theories and do not expect them to publish any real studies and all the studies they publish will be biased to aide their theory and it has nothing to do with facts and there is a substantial decline in vaccination in recent times because of these belief that vaccination is bad for the child and it will have an implication in the future and i am not willing to take any risk, i was vaccinated as a kid and i am healthy and never been hospitalized till now.
much like studies that stained teeth leads to lung cancer. because many people with lung cancer have stained teeth.
of course the reality is that smoking causes lung cancer and stained teeth. but a study can be manipulated and structured to not reveal the real underlying cause but just come to a conclusion by the slightest hint that a study was done and some evidence was found

did you know inhaling oxygen causes diarrhoea.. tree's dont inhale oxygen and they dont have runny poo's
did you know inhaling carbon dioxide prevents lung cancer. no tree has ever been diagnosed with lung cancer yet the only thing it does inhale is carbon dioxide

see how easy it is to creat fake information based on flimsy evidence
so to all you anti-vaccine freaks. put your money all together and do a full on clinical study with indepth research that has proper substantial evidence and a study that can be replicated by anyone to show its actually provable...
then you might have something to take to government to do something about.
untill then dont try plying people with false stats made up numbers .trying to get people not to have vaccines just so you can be some social warrior

the reason why many non-vaccinated people may have some significance. is not due to health but the fact that the non-vaccinated groups are usually newborns using mothers breast milk as a temporary source of strong immunity. and because they spend their lives in a bed. not yet even able to explore the world or mix with a diversity of people to even catch anything
let alone be old enough to even show signs of any mental impairments or issues
hero member
Activity: 1426
Merit: 506
people who are actually against vaccinations should get themselves togethr, pay in $10 and have a large money pot collectively to fund their own studies to get some proper results to display. not the shoddy stuff you display.
if anti-vaccinaters had a actual claim, and evidence of truth of the claim then yes governments would have to act. and yes things would change
but showing shoddy crap charts of meaningless numbers, ends with nothing happening but duping stupid people
in short
unless you can prove something you wont win a debate
These are conspiracy theories and do not expect them to publish any real studies and all the studies they publish will be biased to aide their theory and it has nothing to do with facts and there is a substantial decline in vaccination in recent times because of these belief that vaccination is bad for the child and it will have an implication in the future and i am not willing to take any risk, i was vaccinated as a kid and i am healthy and never been hospitalized till now.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
Here's some advice if you want legal advice. Get any advice that happens to be available. It will be a thousand times better than anything you could think up on your own.


stick to being a comedian. you make people laugh
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
The government hasn't broken a law technically. But government has broken all kinds of laws by playing on the ignorance of the people, and getting them to sign themselves into prison and debt, when they wouldn't have to if they only understood how common law works.

you dont understand common law, you understand 'freeman' law.
under common law people would still be signed into 'citizenship'
but atleast people would know the boundaries of harm loss damage and tresspass
(yes injections are doctors tresspassing on your body, aswell as potentially harming you... they need your consent)

You're so stuck on freeman law that if you looked at E=mc2, all you would see is freeman law.


your the one that meandered into all the blah of common law
you do know a politician doesnt stick the needle in.. a nurse does
you do know a vaccine is a chemical not a code of law.
and its called disease, not debt.
so its you thats stuck. i was just correcting you

here is some medial advice
if you have a medical problem but you want a second opinion. dont seek the advice of Lentz(ys i know you would try searching for his advice.. but just dont do it)

Here's some advice if you want legal advice. Get any advice that happens to be available. It will be a thousand times better than anything you could think up on your own.

Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
The government hasn't broken a law technically. But government has broken all kinds of laws by playing on the ignorance of the people, and getting them to sign themselves into prison and debt, when they wouldn't have to if they only understood how common law works.

you dont understand common law, you understand 'freeman' law.
under common law people would still be signed into 'citizenship'
but atleast people would know the boundaries of harm loss damage and tresspass
(yes injections are doctors tresspassing on your body, aswell as potentially harming you... they need your consent)

You're so stuck on freeman law that if you looked at E=mc2, all you would see is freeman law.


your the one that meandered into all the blah of common law
you do know a politician doesnt stick the needle in.. a nurse does
you do know a vaccine is a chemical not a code of law.
and its called disease, not debt.
so its you thats stuck. i was just correcting you

here is some medial advice
if you have a medical problem but you want a second opinion. dont seek the advice of Lentz(ys i know you would try searching for his advice.. but just dont do it)
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
The government hasn't broken a law technically. But government has broken all kinds of laws by playing on the ignorance of the people, and getting them to sign themselves into prison and debt, when they wouldn't have to if they only understood how common law works.

you dont understand common law, you understand 'freeman' law.
under common law people would still be signed into 'citizenship'
but atleast people would know the boundaries of harm loss damage and tresspass
(yes injections are doctors tresspassing on your body, aswell as potentially harming you... they need your consent)

You're so stuck on freeman law that if you looked at E=mc2, all you would see is freeman law.

Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
The government hasn't broken a law technically. But government has broken all kinds of laws by playing on the ignorance of the people, and getting them to sign themselves into prison and debt, when they wouldn't have to if they only understood how common law works.

you dont understand common law, you understand 'freeman' law.
under common law people would still be signed into 'citizenship'
but atleast people would know the boundaries of harm loss damage and tresspass
(yes injections are doctors tresspassing on your body, aswell as potentially harming you... they need your consent)
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
the thing is. th government aint broke a law unless you can supply evidence.
but your charts you linked aint evidence as the charts have no bases
i could make a chart that says badecker has 1 hair on his head for every 10 hairs i have
i can colour the chart red and blue and post it on som website

but the chart is not backd by anything. its just an empty chart

the problem is that some people stupidly think the chart is backed by somthing.

people who are actually against vaccinations should get themselves togethr, pay in $10 and have a large money pot collectively to fund their own studies to get some proper results to display. not the shoddy stuff you display.

if anti-vaccinaters had a actual claim, and evidence of truth of the claim then yes governments would have to act. and yes things would change
but showing shoddy crap charts of meaningless numbers, ends with nothing happening but duping stupid people

in short
unless you can prove something you wont win a debate

The government hasn't broken a law technically. But government has broken all kinds of laws by playing on the ignorance of the people, and getting them to sign themselves into prison and debt, when they wouldn't have to if they only understood how common law works.

Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
the thing is. th government aint broke a law unless you can supply evidence.
but your charts you linked aint evidence as the charts have no bases
i could make a chart that says badecker has 1 hair on his head for every 10 hairs i have
i can colour the chart red and blue and post it on som website

but the chart is not backd by anything. its just an empty chart

the problem is that some people stupidly think the chart is backed by somthing.

people who are actually against vaccinations should get themselves togethr, pay in $10 and have a large money pot collectively to fund their own studies to get some proper results to display. not the shoddy stuff you display.

if anti-vaccinaters had a actual claim, and evidence of truth of the claim then yes governments would have to act. and yes things would change
but showing shoddy crap charts of meaningless numbers, ends with nothing happening but duping stupid people

in short
unless you can prove something you wont win a debate
Activity: 4046
Merit: 1389
those charts badecker linked are meaningless...

they are not charts of actual stats.
lets play a game
lets make up a stat that right handed people are 10x better in bed than lefties

instead of showing stats of
100,000 righties having thier spouses rated the righties out of 100
100,000 lefties having thier spouses rated the lefties out of 100

which might lok like,
out of 184,000 responders (90,000 L 94,000 R)
L scored 9% whilst R scored 90%
where a chart has all the info included

instead the chart just puts L=1 R=10

EG its not like having numerical data, making a chart and then forming a summary. but instead forming a summary and making a chart on the summary. thus making the chart obsolete

after all.. is there only one child with unvaccinated with asthema in the world and only 10 kids vaccinated in the world who have asthema
the chart reveals nothing.
also the title of the chart
children at risk of asthema... meaning the data isnt even based on kids that actually have asthema but 'could' get it
sorry but anyone 'could' get it. you dont actually know who until they actually have it.
thus again the numbers are meaningless

all them charts that have a unvaccination column of 1x. are meaningless charts. as that 1x does not explain was only 1 child selected, only one child in the world get it. how was that child selected. how were other children excluded.

But you are making it way to complicated. Charts are nice things, but they are just charts. The thing that Kennedy has shown is that the medical isn't willing to provide the legally required safety test results for over 30 years, now. They won't even say that they have them. So, they don't have them. Yet government lets them keep on existing without punishment for going against the law.

Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
those charts badecker linked are meaningless...

they are not charts of actual stats.
lets play a game
lets make up a stat that right handed people are 10x better in bed than lefties

instead of showing stats of
100,000 righties having thier spouses rated the righties out of 100
100,000 lefties having thier spouses rated the lefties out of 100

which might lok like,
out of 184,000 responders (90,000 L 94,000 R)
L scored 9% whilst R scored 90%
where a chart has all the info included

instead the chart just puts L=1 R=10

EG its not like having numerical data, making a chart and then forming a summary. but instead forming a summary and making a chart on the summary. thus making the chart obsolete

after all.. is there only one child with unvaccinated with asthema in the world and only 10 kids vaccinated in the world who have asthema
the chart reveals nothing.
also the title of the chart
children at risk of asthema... meaning the data isnt even based on kids that actually have asthema but 'could' get it
sorry but anyone 'could' get it. you dont actually know who until they actually have it.
thus again the numbers are meaningless

all them charts that have a unvaccination column of 1x. are meaningless charts. as that 1x does not explain was only 1 child selected, only one child in the world get it. how was that child selected. how were other children excluded.
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