Reducing the subsidy will not change anything.
A 50VTC block at 0.00006 or a 25VTC block at 0.00012 - contain the same amount of tradeable value. VTC has been at both, and far higher also.
The coin has been around for 11 months now (in two weeks, it will be a year) - so of course the Market Cap is 1/12th of the monthly created value - This is because there was no Premine so the distribution is wholly even (until the normal halvening that will occur).
The issue then isn't 50vtc or that every miner may want to dump their coins (illogically or not) - its that 50vtc isn't worth a damn lot these days, and changing that to 25, 10, 5 or even 1vtc per block won't change that.
We need reasons for people to want to buy the coin.
Agree. But:
1. Many miners are enough clever now(not only vtc miners), they sell coins as soon as they get them. VTC miners have no reasons to keep coins, because tomorrow they can buy it at lower price if needed.
2. I don't see now any reasons for people to buy vert, when it's price is being dropped every month.
3. You are wrong about "same amount of tradeable value", because it's not the reason. The reason is that amount of "new" emissioned coins grows too fast and automatically decreases price of "old" coins.
4. As a matter of fact, there is no buisness to accept instrument of payment with 90% annual inflation rate. This is called a suicide. This instrument must be stable or increase own price for a long term.
5. I don't think, that coin holding is good thing for coin. Circulation - is the only way for coin to survive. At current levels of inflation healthy circulation is impossible.
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