It's hard if you wants a lot from gambling because gambling is just for have fun.
Not at all, because gambling is a business, an industry with huge cash flows.
You can wins in gambling but you can expects to wins many times because gambling is not a place to make money.
You are absolutely right in saying that gambling is not a place to make money (as gamblers), but that is what people come there for. All this sounded “fun” immediately turns out to be empty if you remove money as an element of bets.
You don't play casino emulators (without betting money), right? Agree, this is not fun at all.
You can only enjoy the gambling games without thinks about how big the money you can wins.
The gambler doesn't think about the amount he wants to win, but expects to win (at least some).
If you wants to make money, you better search for the other ways so you will have more chances to makes money.
Money is earned at work (or for services rendered). For money, go in that direction.
You don't have to try so hard to makes money from gambling. You can try to have an investment in bitcoin if you wants to make a big profit.
I would not put investing in bitcoin and gambling on the same level, because bitcoin already shows stable profitability. But investing in shitcoins and gambling are in the same category.