I was just wondering what would happen to the crypto world or would still cryptocurrency be this popular this day if bitcoin wasn't created?
There are a lot of changes happened because of bitcoin and it also change the way on how we look on cryptocurrencies. Because of this some government and bank owners were alarm because of the rising popularity of bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies also help many people giving them works online and gets profit from invesments.
But what if Bitcoin wasn't created, where would you be right now?
What would happen to crpyto world?
Will the cryptocurrencies be as known as it is right now?
what threats are you talking about? the op's question isnt about threats for bitcoin but rather he is just imagining if bitcoin is not invented. well for me , if bitcoin is not invented id say i still dont have a job right now because bitcoin gives me an oppurtunity to work and earn on this forum by doing micro task such as forum posting and sharing or reposting the post of the advertiser via social media. i cant really imagine the life without bitcoin and my life would still be hopless without them.