But it's a sad and rather tragic thing with these perverted monster control freaks (anti-gun politicians) try to focus their control freakness on firearms. Seems like that always turns out badly.
Except pretty much everywhere in the developed world outside of America.
Except that you are missing the greatest point of all in this. And it isn't really your fault. Because around the world, in countries that have gun control, and the common people who love the gun control, because they have relative peace, have missed it as well.
Here it is in a simple nutshell. The only reason peace abounds in many nations with gun control is, there isn't much gun control in the United States. To say it more bluntly, it is the gun freedom in the U.S. that is causing the peace around the world, and even in nations that have gun control.
How does this work? Like this. If the governments of gun control nations moved their militaries in and made literal slaves of their nations, the people of the U.S. would find out, and the people of the gun control nations that remained free would see it as well.
Everybody would realize that gun control meant slavery, and that gun freedom was the best thing for the people. When this happened, the people of the United States would implement more guns among themselves and friends and relatives than they have now. The U.S. government would NEVER have a chance at gun control outside of a full, militarized take-over... which might even fail.
In addition, the people of the gun control countries would follow the lead, and soon everyone around the world would be swimming in guns. Anti-freedom nations would fall over night. Free nations would become even freer. Peace would abound. The gun control crowd - which is really the slave-making, one-world government crowd - Would have lost any chance that they had to take over the world.
So you see? It is American gun freedom that is keeping the world free!
A few questions about your story...
As I said above. It really isn't your fault that you don't understand, unless, of course, you are being paid and you don't really care.
WHY would a military just randomly "arrest" the entire country? Is it a coup? Was it shoddy leadership and they want to topple the incumbent?
Who said anything about a military randomly arresting a country?
You missed the greatest reason why a military does anything. A military does what it is ordered to do by whoever is in control.
In almost all cases, people in government are there because they like to be in control. Many of these people are control freaks. Usually, they own the military... at least as far as being able to command the military.
Control freaks often like more money, usually so that they can get more control. What do they want to control? The people, of course. Why? So that they can tax the people for more money, of course.
If the people don't have guns and the military does, government leaders who control the military can take control whenever they want, via their military.
Why don't many of the governments of the world make literal slaves of their nations? Because everybody sees that American gun freedom works. Push the people too hard, and they will get guns, and you will be dead. At the very least, you will lose control.
How would they keep their morale above water, knowing that their own families are affected the same way?
What? You never heard of on-base family life?
When you say slavery, what would they make the people DO? Work harder? Wouldn't they have to market it as some kind of utopia first?
Taxation is slavery. It is part of the reason that Americans are making and buying more guns than ever. Even Americans have been lulled by propaganda.
Slavery might work for decades. But it eventually fails when the people find a way to rebel. American gun freedom makes it much harder for slavery to exist.
Take a look at lower Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, and the whole Northwestern area of Africa. slavery abounds there, even though there are laws all over the place that say that slavery is illegal. Two major things that make the slavery possible are, lack of communications so that the people don't understand freedom and how available it is to them, and guns in the hands of the common people.
There have been plenty of coup d'etat over the years, so what stopped all the amazing freedom from happening? Is it just that none of them sent a clear enough message that the nation turned to shit precisely *because* of the population being unarmed, and had nothing to do with the charismatic psycho cult leader?
World nation leaders will play on every advantage that they can to take and keep control. People always want freedom, but they want freedom from their mistakes as well. The thing that the people often don't realize is that their leader control-freaks are simply shrewdies who are out to get whatever they can in any way that they can. This dulls them to the notion that they should keep personal armament around, because their leaders seem so peaceful.
You might be honest in the extreme. If you are, you may not understand what it is like to be just the opposite. How does a leader get to be such without violence? By being very shrewd, giving the people the peace and freedom that they want, until just the right moment when he can pounce. What keeps him from pouncing? Guns among the people, and the knowledge that they will use them if necessary.