To many kids getting hold of guns.You sell them on every street corner shop and market stalls..
the more guns that float around the more shootings will happen..
OREGON seems every so many months this sort of thing will happen.
At any time in life a human can go mental..It can happen to anyone because of all sorts of reasons.
So when someone gets the idea to kill others they can do a lot of damage with a gun
Plus if you give up your guns crime will go up..But deaths will go down..
So this is your choice AMERICA ..MORE CRIME..or LESS DEATHS its all up to you..
My choice less deaths.
Also no point saying its because the government might attack us ..
If the government attacked you what would your guns do they could blow the shit out of you all with
planes tanks and helicopters..
See the constitution says you have the right to bare arms to protect yourself from a rouge government.
It was written 1787..
So they never knew about planes tanks and helicopters ..
So if the government wanted to attack you they just blow you up with a drone
What will your gun do against a drone..
So now it all comes down to protect yourself and your belongings..
But you will find more people get killed by someone they know..nothing to do with crime as in theft.
More people shoot there family than what get robbed with a gun
plus maybe one day your police force will not carry guns only special squads.
Not your every day police officer ..Less guns less people getting trigger happy..
It's not time to give up our rights to protect ourselves from our governments.
It's time for people to realize that if someone had a gun on that gun-free zone, they could have stopped the killer from killing more people. Criminals will still get guns and people who obey the law will be the ones in danger.