how phucking arragant of you to think its your imaginary friend that allows "that twitch to move me to write" .
what a load of bollocks.
stop fighting God you say.? how can i stop fighting something that doesnt exist you fool?
no dude, using an invisible sky daddy to explain the beginning is absolutly not science, its delusional.
watch the videos , you might learn some real science.
maybe even someday you will see the rational light and let go of your
invisible sky daddy fairy tales but im not holding my breath...
carry on then...
Badecker wants to claim his argument with pseudo-science wihich he gets in an creationist website.
You jokers are the cream of silliness. You want to be atheists, or the like, but you won't even acknowledge science, as most other atheists do. If there was ever blind stupidity, it's you jokers.
The only bad thing is if it's true that you get your claim in a site of creationist, you know those people only put information that may satisfy their beliefs.
The science creationists use is from non-creation scientists. They don't make it up. It is not fictional.
For example. Cause and effect is upheld in everything in the universe that we know about, according to Newton's 3rd Law. Notice the word "Law." Anything that suggests that Newton's 3rd Law doesn't stand up in such and such a case, is theory or simple hypothesis. Why is it like this? Because there are countless things that have been shown to act according to cause and effect. But so far, there is not even one factual thing shown that does NOT operate by cause and effect.
What's the significance of this - cause and effect? The significance of this is that everything has been "programmed" to operate the way it does, starting way back in the beginning.
Poor atheists. Even the little bit of intelligence that they have was programmed back then. The programming was done by somebody who was smart enough to know everything in the universe so He could program it all this way, like the universe was a programmable computer.
Hey BADecker I frikkin love your posts man . You make my day.
"The programming was done by somebody who was smart enough to know everything in the universe so He could program it all this way, like the universe was a programmable computer"
I am so happy you are having a good laugh. Really great to see your enjoyment.
Ya know, seriously, I would pay to see you post in a real science forum with real scientists just to see all your ridiculous screeds shredded to pieces and thrown back at you in crumpled ball. That is if they'd even bother to reply to you. But you never know, some scientists may humor you for awhile because you can actually articulate,tho never mind its all utter nonsense.
Oh, why waste the time. You show from your expressed understanding of science that you wouldn't understand what was going on in a debate like this.
Besides, what do you think has been going on since Newton posted his 3rd Law? Science couldn't refute God Who was proven by it (Newton's 3rd Law), and when scientists became obstinate, the religious people couldn't see any reason to continue arguing with them. After all these years, science still stumbles around trying to prove that God doesn't exist.
Ya know I used share an office with a boss who was of these religious born again nutters, preachin god this, god that and all that noahs ark malarky.
Funny thing was he was smart and I actually really liked him as co worker. He got things done.
Well, look at what you just said here. Didn't you say,
"Funny thing was he was smart and I actually really liked him as co worker. He got things done?" Notice how he was a boss... because he was smart. And you were a worker who helped HIM make money, because you weren't so smart. Notice how you still haven't become smart.
And he didnt seem to mind that I called him out all his utter bullshit when he started preachin the bible nonsense to me.
He did his job for God with you. Why should he mind that you made your choice? After all, even God lets you make your choice... foolish though you are.
I think deep down he didnt believe it either, he was just playing some silly game to please his new wife or something.
Kinda like you there my friend. You seem like a nice guy . To bad you waste that brain of yours believing in "grown up fairy tales"
as I like to refer to religion as to my 8 year old daughter. She gets it. Thank goodness.
You thanked goodness! Don't you even realize that this saying comes from people thanking God? Formerly it was written, "Thank Goodness." So, you believe in God without even realizing it.
Too bad your brain isn't there so that you can even begin to understand the science that I am telling you. Hey, but that's okay. God gave you your ability to choose. So, it's your own fault, what will happen to you. I do kinda pity your daughter, however.