Could you explain why one should read the new testament 4 time for every reading of the old?
Is it because if you want to base your morality on the bible (and the old testament in particular), we would go around:
stoning women to death (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)
stoning children to death (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
stoning people who work on Sunday (Numbers 15:32-56)
killing gays (Romans 1:27 and Leviticus 20:13)... but strangely enough not lesbians (because god is a lovely chap)
Killing men who masturbate (Genesis 38:6-10)... but strangely enough not women, they can rub it
practising ethnic cleansing (Exodus 34:11-14, Leviticus 26:7-9)
committing genocides (Numbers 21: 2-3, Numbers 21:33–35, Deuteronomy 2:26–35, and Joshua 1–12)
killing people because we suspect they are witches (Exodus 22:18)
not touching our girlfriends if they have their period (Lev. 15:19–24)
selling our daughters as slaves (Exodus 21:7)...
...because you know, slavery is ok (Leviticus 25:44)
drowning people (Genesis 7:21-23)
killing our enemies and raping their women (Numbers 31:7-18)
killing who disagree with us on religion (Leviticus 24:16)
killing cheaters (Leviticus 20:10)
killing women who get remarried (Deuteronomy 22:13-14,20-21)
allowing our daughters to be sexually assaulted by multiple rapists (Genesis 19:8 and Judges 19:16-30)...
...and after that she has to marry her rapist (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)
chopping women's hands off if they touch another man's testicles (Deuteronomy 25:11) - even if it was to defend us
kicking out of churches people who have lost their testicles (Deuteronomy 23:1), doesn't matter if they had cancer or whatever
not eating shellfish and pig, camel, rock badger, rabbit, eagle, vulture, buzzard, falcon, raven, crow, ostrich, owl, seagull, hawk, pelican, stork, heron, bat, winged insects that walk on four legs unless they have joints to jump with like grasshoppers (?), bear, mole, mouse, lizard, gecko, crocodile, chameleon and snail (Leviticus 11).
And then you say that atheist "hate"? The whole bible is a big genocide!
Old Testament governmental and ceremonial laws in the Bible were for ancient Israel. They are still for anyone who wants to follow them by choice.
The ancient Israel ceremonial laws existed to foreshadow the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. This is explained in the N.T. book of Hebrews. Since Jesus did the work that the ceremonial laws were referring to, these laws are no longer needed.
Certainly, the O.T. governmental laws are not for people of the various nations. They are, however, the best governmental laws that can exist. So, it would be nice if they were practiced. But even modern Israel doesn't practice them.
The moral laws - don't harm anybody, and don't damage his property - are similar to the English Common Law, and American Common Law. You can find common law written down in Bouvier's "Maxims of Law" -
The reason to read the N.T. 4 times as much as the O.T. is because the O.T. will draw a person into despair because of all the wicked things that ancient Israel did, and how God punished them for it. We need the N.T. to constantly remind us that we are forgiven and saved. Yet we DO need the O.T. so that we are reminded of many of the good things... moral laws, methods of praising God, wisdom of Solomon and others.
Atheists who suggest strongly that atheism is NOT a religion hate themselves, because all people are religious creatures at heart.
Sorry, I disagree. I am tired of this thing that the old testament doesn't apply anymore after jesus came to earth.
Rather than use the right, God allowed His son, Jesus, to die on the cross, to take the punishment for all people, so that all people have the chance to be forgiven, go to Heaven and live forever. Can God help it if some people won't accept His salvation for them? Better to kill them while they are young, so they won't have as many sins to be punished for in the eternal Hell where they are going anyway.
All the examples given above are either things that god asked or that he accepted and din't see as sins.
Now, if you say that at some point in time he realised that he was a bit bully and changed his (or her?) mind, made a new alliance with the mankind, by sending his son (who is also himself) and having him killed (a sort of suicide then)...ok. But still he is the same god that commanded (or allowed) all those things that happened before.
I don't say that at all.
First, those things are taken out of context. They are a goodness for the people who were living back then.
God never changes. All the love, anger, mercy and grace He has always had still exist, and always will. It is people who change. And by their changes, they essentially activate whichever aspect of God.
The O.T. writings were for the nation of ancient Israel, because Jesus, the Messiah, came through them to bring salvation to everybody. Ancient Israel had to do it just the way the laws told them, so that they could be a light for the nations, so that the nations could understand about Jesus when He came. The sad thing is that Israel doesn't recognize Jesus.
You are very mistaken in the things you are thinking and writing.
So you think that everything he (allegedly) did (including flooding people, drowning innocent children to death, genocides, etc.) would be justifiable?