Look. I am not posting with the idea that I am out to defame you in any way. And I suspect that you are not out to do such to me.
The things that I explain in my posts, mostly are the simple explanations. You don't have to believe me, obviously. But if you are interested in some of it, there are libraries full of books and an Internet that has almost as much. In addition, there are my previous posts, many of which have links in them, or instructions about what to search on to see why I say what I do.
This posting is fun. And it is instructional for all who want to take part. But I am not doing it with the idea of writing a book to explain answers to your questions.
The problem is not that I"don't believe" you. It's true that I don't accept statements that I can show to be either invalid or unproveable.
The problem is that while you think that what you're posting is a simple explanation, I have been showing you that your underlying assumptions appear invalid and warrant further discussion.
Since I haven't seen you showing me anything via your posting, and since I haven't been posting any underlying assumptions that I have, your statements here are irrelevant for me, at least regarding the things I have posted.
That's the point - you don't even know what your underlying assumptions are, and I'm trying to find out if they are valid or not. If not valid, your entire argument disappears in a puff of logic.
Okay. I'll tell you what my underlying assumptions are in this case. I assume that Newton's 3rd Law is indeed a law as science has declared. I assume that there is great complexity in the universe, because any honest researcher will tell you about the complexity that is denying him his research answers easily. I assume that scientists and others who have examined many aspect of entropy, are correct when they say that entropy is universally all-pervading, and that there is nothing factually found or proven that opposes it.
Now, if you don't know these things, you can go out and research them yourself, so that you can assume that they are correct, as well. In fact, you might be able to do some experiments thereby proving them to yourself.
If I question something you hold as self evident, take a moment to really think about your point. Think about the assumptions you've had to make in order to believe your statement, and decide for yourself whether or not they are true, and then how to prove that truth.
If any statement you make as a self evident fact is based on concepts that are:
* Not not completely understood by you
* Not able to be proven by you
* In principle not falsifiable
Now you are talking about all of life, science, knowledge and everything else.
Absolutely not. I'm talking about how to argue your point logically and create a watertight argument.
You are welcome to this opinion of yours, of course. Since you are not following your own advice/directive not to post, welcome to the team of ignorance. It certainly doesn't seem to hurt me when you let people know that you really don't understand a topic. Perhaps it hurts someone else? Maybe even yourself. If it does, I am not aware of it.
When you're challenged you change the topic and make some sort of remark denigrating the intelligence of your opponent. You always do this. Maybe you should concentrate more on your own intellectual development and less time on writing uncreative and pointless insults.
My point is that neither of us knows if you are wrong because once challenged you just change the subject and insult whoever is the target du jour.
Actually, it is your challenge that changes the subject.
The on-topic part that I was doing was to show why atheists hate religion. You and your challenges without doing your research, shows how you would rather change the subject so that we move away from the proof that God exists, and away from showing atheists why they hate religion... which is... because religion is right, and not even atheists like being proven wrong.