I am founded on Jesus.
Of course talking to me is like talking to a rock...
You can't move the foundation of the universe, the Rock, Jesus Christ.
Hate to break it to you, but Jesus is a myth...
DEBATE on the Historicity of Jesus - Dr. Richard Carrier vs Trent Horn
There is literally zero historical evidence of this Jesus character... which is VERY suspicious...
Granted, we don't know much about the average guy who lived 2000 years ago, but this was not an average guy... We know lots about famous people of the time, like Julius Caesar...
No historian wrote about Jesus (and some were alive at the time)... Don't try mentioning Josephus, that was 70 years after Jesus died, and a proven forgery of the 3rd century (the text changed 200 years after Josephus wrote it)... There is not a single non-biblical account of "Jesus"
There is not a single object directly related to Jesus... he was a carpenter for 30 years... where are all the chairs and tables made by Jesus? He must have made tens of thousands of wooden objects if he was a carpenter...
Jesus is a conglomeration of various myths which had been floating around the Mediterranean region for centuries... its quite well documented
And again, +1 for science. But I'm sure the rock guy will find another irrelevant, nothing to do with reality argument to answer. Because he wants to "save us". I mean, no one asked him to, because from what I'm seeing people are asking to be left alone, but no. He has a mission. He's a rock. Stubborn as a rock. Mind as a rock? Let us ponder on this brothers and sisters.
Science is absolutely great. God made it, and we get to use it. It proves God, and it proves those who say that God does not exist to be liars. Up with God and science. Down with those who believe science theory is the truth.