An important thing to remember is that the Bible is a collection of books, written by different people in different times addressing different needs of that time period.
I, personally think that if you are and want to be a good person, then you choose the good parts and leave the ones that are not good, or not useful for our modern age aside.
Why can you believe some parts of bible but not all?
How can you possibly know what in bible is true and what not?
You can't. You could as well believe that god created us because he is sadist who enjoys to kill and torture us. And only way to escape from his evil is to deny his existence. Why not?
Again this is easy.
We know how the Bible was written. Parts of the Bible gives the world directly from the mouth of Jesus, how could the son of God who lived and died for us be wrong?
Any part of the Bible in contradiction with His son is wrong and shouldn't be considered as sacred
"You could as well believe that god created us because he is sadist who enjoys to kill and torture us."
Maybe. Why not? Exactly, it is as realistic to believe that so why don't you deny his existence to be saved from heaven, where you will be tortured by god forever.
"how could the son of God who lived and died for us be wrong?"
If I kill my self and say I do it to give you change to deny his existence and escape from his eternal torturing, then you will blindly believe me?
Or would you just think I am suicidal carzy person? Maybe if I write good book about it?
Oh! I see what you're trying to do. You're trying to explain I can't prove that the Bible is right and that Jesus is the son of god and all that no?
Well don't waste your time, of course I can't xD
Again it's only a question of faith, and that's why atheists have every right to be so. If you don't have faith then you might consider all of this is just crazy shit. But if you have had the chance to find the Lord, then you KNOW that it's right ^^
But i'm not judging you or trying to convince you. i wouldn't even try to prove God exists, that would be ridiculous.
If there was such a proof, there would be no faith.And that should be proof enough that religion is flawed and not true.
They only ask us to have faith. Because if they had proof faith would have been obsolete.
Well believing is all about faith. And I don't see how it can be bad to have faith ^^
I hope one day you will have faith to deny gods existence so you will be saved from his internal torture.
Right now he is deep in your head preparing you to become his slave, maybe one day you will have faith to be saved from him.
I wouldn't even try to prove that, it would be ridiculous, because you gotta have some faith man!
But... I feel no torture! I'm happy to have faith in the Lord, why would I wish to stop having faith? It doesn't hurt me or anyone, on the contrary it helps me to live a better life! Why would I want to get rid of my faith?
We live in the real world, not in a fantasy one. Science is real, and can be touched. No one's ever seen God, but I see science making this world better everyday. As it has been told here countless times (BadDecker please don't try to count), it's just common sense.
And again science and religion are not opposed, they complete each other. Religion is the answer to what science can't and will never be able to explain