This has nothing to do with your god.
It's only a question of biology and evolution... You claim your god is behind the evolution process?
Evolution!? Now, there's a joke. All the proven things that are called "evolution," can also be demonstrated to be "programming." Presently, there isn't enough evolution fact around that shows how anything could have developed from scratch by evolution. And if somebody DID happen to show an evolution process that had no holes in it, so that it was absolutely possible for something to have come about by evolution, there is STILL no way to prove that this is what really DID happen.
Furthermore, nowhere in the universe have we found anything that is greater being produced by something that is lesser. There is much scientific speculation about this. But it is not seen anywhere. In fact the opposite is the only thing that we see.
Everything has to do with my God... the God of creation.
So you're denying the idea of evolution?
Well I understand better xD
Evolution is not just a "theory". It has been proven through Darwin's experiments then verified by multiple different scientists. It's through the evolution principles are the base of multiple scientific progresses.
How can I be denying the idea of evolution when I am talking about it? As usual, you are not thinking clearly. The idea of evolution makes for fun thinking and stimulation. Think of all the science fiction stories that would never have existed if the idea of evolution was not around. Besides, it's in the textbooks. I'd have to have been a hermit on mountain all my life to deny the idea.
The term "evolution" has come to mean many things to many people. Some of these might be truth. But many of them are not. Because of this, when you say that evolution has been proven, you are wrong, except that you explain the particular definitions and applications of the term "evolution" where it might happen to be exist factually. Darwin's experiments never came close to proving evolution. Even Darwin, himself, doubted his own work. Read the things that he says.
"Evolution" as a principle where more complex life comes about from less complex life is completely flawed. Such a thing doesn't happen in nature that anybody has been able to find. When a scientist creates evolution under laboratory conditions, it is complex life (the scientist) making less complex material to become more complex material.
The evolution principle that over time one species of creature becomes a different species is completely flawed. There aren't any missing links
that can be proven such in the fossil record. People may theorize. People may hope. But in the end, there is no proof.
The evolution principle that inorganic material became life is completely flawed. Not only is there no evidence of such happening, we complex humans can't even make it happen in the laboratory.
So, what is your definition or application that is termed "evolution" that actually works?
Well... I don't know if you ever tried to read anything about evolution... Seems to me you didn't. Otherwise you would know that evolution is largely proven, that we managed to list each and every species in a precise evolution order and that everythin matches with such perfection that it would be incredible that this theory is flawed as you say.
But that means you believe humans were created the way they are now? So that we didn't evolve from a common ancestor with great apes? And when was the humanity created?