Finding proof of God is much easier than finding proof in the correct god.
If you're honestly curious you need to look into the Intelligent Designer arguments and the problem of irreducible complexity. There is no way our bodies would be built the way they are from evolution because they work too perfectly and some parts could not have grown up that way through evolution. In the video below, the Genes of Genesis, Walter starts talking about the problem of irreducible complexity at 46:10.
Walter Veith was professor/zoologist (and an atheist at the time) of the zoology department at the University of Cape Town and taught in the medical bio-science department. During this time the department was awarded a Royal Society London grant for zoological research.
He also takes on the Big Bang theory in the video series Evolution or Creation? The Earth in Time and Space.
He comes at it from the scientific standpoint, because it's what he knows. Of course, since becoming a Christian, he will mention some bible quotes from time to time, but his discussions are based on scientific study.
105 - The Genes of Genesis / Genesis Conflict - Walter Veith
This is a pretty long video series, but if you are honestly wanting to find out more, then you might want to check this series out:
Dr. Walter Veith - Evolution or Creation? The Earth in Time and Space (Part 1/8) -
Here's a quote from another page, "British philosopher, Dr. Antony Flew, was a leading spokesperson for atheism, actively involved in debate after debate. However, scientific discoveries within the last 30 years brought him to a conclusion he could not avoid. In a video interview in December 2004 he stated, "Super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature."1 Prominent in his conclusion were the discoveries of DNA. Here's why. DNA in our cells is very similar to an intricate computer program. In the photo on the left, you see that a computer program is made up of a series of ones and zeros (called binary code). The sequencing and ordering of these ones and zeros is what makes the computer program work properly.
In the same way, DNA is made up of four chemicals, abbreviated as letters A, T, G, and C. Much like the ones and zeros, these letters are arranged in the human cell like this: CGTGTGACTCGCTCCTGAT and so on. The order in which they are arranged instructs the cell's actions.
What is amazing is that within the tiny space in every cell in your body, this code is three billion letters long!!...Perry Marshall, an information specialist, comments on the implications of this. 'There has never existed a computer program that wasn't designed...[whether it is] a code, or a program, or a message given through a language, there is always an intelligent mind behind it.'"
Another page discussing Irreducible Complexity -
"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."
--Charles Darwin, Origin of Species
Also, a proof based on conscience, etc: Proof of God is Inside You | Does God Exist?
You are soooo good. I suppose that I could find all these links, and many others. But I didn't do it. You did.