BD what have you been smoking?
During the formative years of life, children are supposed to learn empathy, critical thinking, basic logic, and social skills. The brain is plastic, constantly rewiring itself as it adapts to new information. There is one exception: at the end of the formative years, all that a child has learned "sets" like a concrete. For the rest of this person's life, this will be the foundation upon which all other thought is built. If instead of proper logic, a young mind is forced to adapt itself to a religion-supporting
toxic mimic of logic, full of unchecked loops (circular logic), dead ends, and fallacies, unfortunately
in many cases the damage is irreparable.
This is why both the church and the nation-state have historically
demanded the attention of your children during formative years, often under threat of violence.
This is also why
intellectual abuse is every bit as ethically despicable as physical abuse.
So, what is proper logic? Who decides what proper logic is for their children or for anybody? Actually, the answer is that without God and God-religion, we don't know. Why? Here's why. In two words it is, "freedom illusion."
What is freedom illusion? It is the illusion that we are free, when in all logic, determined from all that we know, we are not at all free.
Cause and effect penetrates everything. All of our decisions, whatever they may be, are based on something, or some group of things, that caused us to decide and act the way we did.
science. The standard scientist looks at nature. He focuses on a particular thing. Then he attempts to determine what caused the thing to be that way or happen that way. Once he has found the cause, then he tries to find what caused the cause. The dedicated scientist is one who is constantly looking for a deeper cause. The more a scientist is a scientist, the more he looks for causes.
Everything that we know is caused by causes. Even the high quantum math that suggests that there can be some things without a cause, is determined by the quantum mechanics of the mathematician attempting to manipulate the quantum math into the thing that determines such. It is similar with collider and cyclotron physics. If a collider is adjusted and used to present the effect before the cause, it is because the scientist caused the collider to act this way.
The only place we know about freedom is from God religion, in the Bible. Now, there may be other religions that teach freedom. But God is the only one who can state with any kind of certainty that there is freedom beyond the simple illusion of freedom. And He does, in the Bible.
So, what is proper and right to teach our children? If we want to teach them the truth, we must teach them that freedom is found in God. Everything else is pre-programmed.