Things happen in the name of Jesus Christ that wouldn't if you didn't call upon him and His power. I believe that and have seen it, others believe that too.
No, no they don't. Trouble is, you aren't actually interested in considering that you may be mistaken. You aren't interested in applying a little critical thinking to your belief because you are conditioned to reject anything which might force you to suspend your special-pleading intellectual dishonesty.
How does it feel to know that you are someone who doesn't want to understand life properly?
Because that is exactly what you are when you refuse to submit your beliefs to objectively reasoned analysis. For example, we know how to induce 'spiritual' sensations into people, 'presence of God', even 'alien abduction', simply by applying some intense magnetic impulses to particular parts of the brain. Neurological responses cause subjective psychological and emotional experiences.
We understand how the brain can easily be fooled and we understand how our senses and our perceptions cannot be relied upon for much of anything when it comes to demonstrable knowledge, without independent verification from other data sources outside of our unreliable perception.
We can easily explain how religions come into existence, how the psychology of the theist mind is constructed and how, as a group, the myths and legend develop and are reinforced through symbolism and ritual.
You *do* know, don't you, that all your special symbols and rituals don't actually do anything, right? I mean, if I genuflect and I scratch my balls halfway through, does it count as the magic needed to induce, well, whatever it is you believe you are inducing by genuflecting?
So, in that we can rationally explain everything as long as intellectual integrity is maintained, there is only self-deception left for you to cling to. Which is what you and your kind do, with much vigour and desperation. Trying to get you to understand that you are mistaken is no different to trying to reason with somebody suffering from amphetamine-induced psychosis. You both *know*, I mean absolutely 100% *know* that you are right about what you are perceiving . . . that anybody who tries to explain otherwise to you is a threat.
Q:What's different about the speed-freak curtain-twitcher who is convinced that he is being watched and you who believes likewise?
A: The tweaker could actually be under surveillance
Your proposition towards the existence of an omnipotent invisible super-being who has a set a rules we're all supposed to follow is less credible, even, than those who believe they have been abducted by aliens. They, at least, invoke things which could be measurably real in our Universe.