Just so you know, not that you will ever understand because your conditioning is so deeply ingrained into your psyche there is no other you that exists outside of the 'special' paranormal narrative you believe yourself to be living in, calamitous events are actually easier to cope with as an atheist because we understand that it is all cause-and-effect action/reaction which resulted in the calamitous event, not that some mythical super-being decided that day to fuck with us, you know, because he loves us so or is teaching us something or [insert arbitrary reasoning to excuse your god here].
BADecker, have you talked to many people who've committed suicide? Taken a poll?
Why would anyone go crazy once he starts believing something? Wouldn't similar things apply to people who stop believing?
He is a little crazy about christianity.
Maybe he is the next leader of the christian version of ISIS? :O
Yep, reading BADecker's posts is like...looking at a comedic, irrational, cartoon show. It seems like he's just trolling everyone, as I don't believe anyone on Earth can be that stupid.
Another atheist pushing himself/herself deeper into the atheism religion.
Funny thing is that I'm not Atheist. But you...you're an idiot of the highest order. Are you just trolling people for fun here? You realize your posts are just...nonsense right...
Right back at you, buddy. You haven't even checked the definitions of the words. You simply blab.
Definitions of the words? What? Why are you changing the topic? This is exactly the trollish behavior I'm talking about.
Now why are you changing the subject to suggest that I am changing the subject?
The dictionary definitions of "atheist" and "atheism" and "religion" and "philosophy" show that atheism is a religion for those atheists who "fight" against the idea that atheism is a religion. The more hotly they get into fighting, the more they are expressing atheism as a religion, simply by doing their fight "religiously."
I said I wasn't Atheist so exactly why are you speaking of this with me? Furthermore, Atheism is lack of belief, and is Religion is a common believe in a set of things. Atheism cannot and is not a religion.
What's the matter? Squirming?
The dictionary definition of atheism says that it is a belief.
Definition of Atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Definition of Religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Atheism is not a religion, as shown by the definitions of each word. Lying only makes you look more pathetic BADecker.
From http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/atheism?s=t:
[ey-thee-iz-uh m]
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
Ok, so I proved you wrong just now and here we go again.
Definition of religion according to dictionary.reference.com: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects:
Definition of atheism according to dictionary.reference.com: the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
Do you notice anything? Notice how a religion is made up by a set of beliefs concerning abstract and empirical things. Notice how Atheism is a single belief in the disbelief that there is no God.
So you've just proved me right again, it doesn't matter what dictionary you use. Two dictionaries we've looked at it and they show that Atheism is not a religion. Are you going to continue arguing? If so, I'll be done here as I don't want to waste time posting to trolls and idiots such as yourself.
While it is true that the definition of the word "religion" is slightly ambiguous, look at the other definitions at the same source to see that religion perfectly fits atheism.