Actually, the phrase "allah akbar" has already been hijacked to refer to gibberish spouted by a maniac in a pseudo-Islamic killing frenzy.
That's over and done. That's what the phrase means.
Even I think you are letting your own bias and hatred color things too much now. You take something you have a one-dimensional view of and declare it to be a universal truth? Get over yourself a bit.
Universal truth?
I am only referring to the way the phrase is being perverted which is well understood.
Of course, the extremists might be the ones with the correct views of Islam. The ignorant peaceful masses are probably simply ignorant to the truth of their professed religion, Islam. The studied clerics and others only want peace so that they can rape the ignorant masses. So, they lie about the fact that Islam is violent. The extremists probably are using Islam in the correct way.
Wow! Great discovery! Lie of the year! If you don't know what is right, then keep mum.
I understand your frustration.
If you are a true and peaceful human being, it is frustrating when you have difficulty proving that your religion is peaceful as well... especially when a lot of it says otherwise.
If you are false, and are out there to make money off the ignorant Islamite masses, it is frustrating when someone starts to express the truth about your falseness.
Trying to make someone else "keep mum" as you expressed it, suggests that you have something to hide, and you don't want other people bringing it out into the open.
you should read again decker.. lol you just actually made the whole point clear..
so only the 0.000000009% of the muslim community is really understanding islam by what you say... the rest are what? ignorants maybe?
the small handful of person understands and follow it and the rest are not?
you sometimes should read before you post. you put yourself in a bad situation afterwards. you contradict yourself way too many times
Now, be careful. When you try to downplay the simple, easily understood things that I say, you are really hurting your own position. Why? Because you haven't really answered what I have said. You are only trying to hide my points in a different way than Muhammed Zakir. And when you are trying to hide something, it usually means that something nefarious is going on behind the scenes.
Bitcoin is open source. The programming is available to everyone. People can check it out, even if they have to learn QT programming to do it. So, why does it upset you that there are aspects of Islam that are being revealed that have been hidden to the masses for ages? Here's why. Either you are good people and are finding out that Islam is bad. Or, you are bad people using Islam to scam people, and you don't want your scam found out.