
Topic: Why do islam hates people? - page 159. (Read 437390 times)

Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
April 07, 2015, 09:17:31 AM
So many posts about this question but I think question is completely wrong.
People can hate other people, not religions or faith.
We have, for example, Catholics, Muslims and Jews who can love and respect people from other faiths, and Catholics, Muslims and Jews who who can't.
Is this because of their faith, some religious book or because of their character, way of life, tradition?
Not easy matter, really but surely we shouldn't generalize people according to their religion, race, nationality, sex etc.

hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 509
I prefer Zakir over Muhammed when mentioning me!
April 07, 2015, 09:15:37 AM
You must backup your claims with things from Qur'an or Hadiths. You are only telling "it is violent".
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 07, 2015, 09:00:18 AM
I finally got you, right? So, now to promote your pagan ideals, you simply write a bunch of stuff to hide the truth of the things that I say. And you double-space it so that it takes up more space than ever... all just to hide the sense that I make.

Islam is a pagan, heathen religion... just as ignorant as any religion among the tribes of New Guinea, or the jungles of the Amazon. There is only ONE thing that makes Islam work. This is the fact that Islam is violent.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Scam / Scammer Hunter
April 07, 2015, 08:27:12 AM
Quote from: BADecker
People who run around killing other people, when they know that it is going to cause problems for them in the future with governments of the people they kill, simply are crazy. And they are even crazier when the blow themselves up in the name of Allah, just to kill of some non-Muslims

you know, you are actually very right about this. because ive have been doing some research on google and

here is what i found out :

What Jihad IS NOT!

If you open a modern Oxford English dictionary, you would probably

find the definition of Jihad as “a holy war undertaken by Muslims against

non-believers”. This is a very poor definition.  Before trying to define what

Jihad is, we should first define what it is NOT.

Jihad is NOT Holy War

Jihad is NOT blowing up one’s self  (Suicide is a sin in Islam)

Hadith  : Shahi Bukhari.
Book 23. Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz).

Volumn 002, Book 023, Hadith Number 445.
Narated By Thabit bin Ad-Dahhak : The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Whoever intentionally swears falsely by a religion other than Islam, then he is what he has said, (e.g. if he says, 'If such thing is not true then I am a Jew,' he is really a Jew). And whoever commits suicide with piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the Hell Fire." Narrated Jundab the Prophet said, "A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide, and so Allah said: My slave has caused death on himself hurriedly, so I forbid Paradise for him."

Jihad is NOT killing innocent people

Jihad is NOT flying a plane into a building packed with civilians

Jihad is NOT fighting out of anger and hatred

Jihad is NOT killing others just because they don’t agree with you

Jihad is NOT killing others just because they are not Muslims

The real meaning of Jihad

Jihad is an Arabic word from the root Jee Ha Da. It literally means to

struggle or strive. Jihad is struggling or striving in the way or sake of

Allah. Jihad takes a very important status in the doctrine of Islam and is

one of the basic duties for every Muslim.

Though, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the term Holy War. Such

a term, or its equivalent doesn’t exist in the Islamic doctrine. The Christian

Crusaders in the mid-ages invented this ideology of Holy War.

There is nothing “Holy” about wars. Wars only involve killings and disasters!

Jihad has many forms,

Jihad of the heart/soul (jihad bin nafs/qalb)

Jihad by the tongue (jihad bil lisan)

Jihad by the pen/knowledge (jihad bil qalam/ilm)

Jihad by the hand (jihad bil yad)

Jihad by the sword (jihad bis saif)

Jihad of the Heart/Soul

Jihad of the heart/soul; in Arabic: jihad bin nafs/qalb. It is referred as

“the greater Jihad” (al-jihad al-akbar).

It is one’s inner struggle of good against evil; refraining oneself from the

whispers of Shaitan (Satan).

This process involves allowing Islam to transform one’s soul to achieving

internal peace; and forgoing the hatred and anger.

“Jihad is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may

be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a

thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”

{Quran, Surah 2: Al-Baqarah, Verse 216; Mohsin Translation}

Jihad by the tongue

Jihad by the tongue; in Arabic: jihad bil lisan.

It is defending Islam and spreading Islam by scholarly lectures, speeches

and debates. It often overlaps with Da’awah (invitation to Islam, or

spreading the message of Islam).

In The Last Sermon, Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) asked the

listeners whether he has passed on the message to them; and they

confirmed affirmatively.

Then the Messenger of Allah ordered all those present today to pass on

the same message to those who are not here today; and the last person to

hear the message should understand it better than the people here.

Jihad by the pen/knowledge

Jihad by the pen/knowledge; in Arabic: jihad bil qalam/ilm.

This form of Jihad involves scholarly research of Islam in aiding the

spread and defence of Islam; and publishing written articles in clearing

misconceptions and correction lies against Islam.

Examples of such Jihad include the research and discovery of scientific

evidences, literature miracles and mathematical miracles from the Quran.

Messenger of Allah once stated that the ink of a scholar is holier than the

blood of a martyr; and one who is reading looks handsome in front of


Jihad by the hand

Jihad by the hand; in Arabic: jihad bil yad.

This is a Jihad of action rather than words. At certain areas, it overlaps

with Zakart (charity) and Hajj (pilgrimage).

Some of its examples include giving charity to the poor and needy,

performing Hajj or Ummrah, helping those who need help, saving

people’s lives, etc. These are more of physical deeds instead of words.

“A person whose feet become dust ridden because of [striving] in

the way of Allah will never be touched by the flames of Hell”

{ Sahih Bukhari 2811}

The most beautiful of all Jihad is a perfect Hajj. It involves testing of

one’s patience and piety to the apex. The whole period of Hajj, with just

one intention and aim, worshiping Allah!

Jihad by the sword

Jihad by the sword; in Arabic: jihad bis saif. In contrary to Jihad of the

heart/soul; this form of Jihad is referred as “the lesser jihad” (al-jihad alasghar).

Sometimes it is necessary to undertake Jihad by the sword. This would

include usage of arsenals and engaging in a combat. This could be simply

a bunch of freedom fighters or an organised campaign of army.

Jihad by the sword is use of arms to engage into a combat. It is not

misuse of arms to create violence.

There are only two situations were Jihad by the sword is allowed to be


1) For self-defence. When someone attacks you or when your

nation has been attacked. Engaging into combat due to self defence.

2) Fighting against evil and unjust. It is also a sin if a Muslim

sees unjust been done, capable of stopping it, yet not doing

anything about it. This can include war on drug, war on child

labour as well as war on terror!

The American administration today seems to be launching a global war

on terror, but are they the first to launch the war on terror?

The Muslims already announced the war on terror fourteen centuries ago,

under the name of Jihad bis saif!

There are many rules and limitations when engaging in combat under the

title of Jihad. For example, civilians are not to be harmed; trees are not to

be cut down; asylum should be granted to surrendering enemy soldiers;


“And if anyone of the Mushrikun seeks your protection then grant

him protection, so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and then

escort him to where he can be secure, that is because they are men

who know not.”

{Quran, Surah 9: At-Taubah, Verse 6; Mohsin Translation}

The above verse states that when an enemy soldier surrenders during a

battle, the Muslim soldiers must grant asylum and in addition, escort him

to safety!

The treatment for prisoners of war is also clearly stated in the Quran.

Prisoners of war under Muslim prisons are to eat, drink and dress the

same Muslim soldiers eat, drink and dress.

And even under the unfortunate event of shortage of food, it is the

prisoners who are to eat first before the Muslim soldiers guarding them!

A closer look at the Sword

Despite the fact that Jihad by the sword is the lesser Jihad, it is the only

form of Jihad that most of the people in the world perceive Jihad as.

This is unfortunate, especially for the Muslims. Many so-called “teachers

of Islam” have been misusing this to assemble their so-called “holy

army” to fight their so-called “holy war”.

But you can’t blame the religion for what a few of its people do. In every

society, there is a black sheep.


Since Jihad by the sword has been overwhelmingly magnified in the

wrong angle, let’s take a closer look at it in the right angle. What is

wrong with Jihad by the sword if it is fighting for self-defence?

In the early years of revelation of Islam in Mecca, Muslims were not

granted permission from Allah to fight. So the Muslims suffered both

moral and physical humiliations from the non-Muslims in Mecca.

The first verses regarding Jihad were then revealed allowing Muslims to

undertake self-defence.

“And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress

not the limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors.

{Quran, Surah 2: Al-Baqarah, Verse 190; Mohsin Translation}

Many of the Quranic verses are being quoted out of context to

wrongly justify terrorist actions. Yet, most of those verses are only

referring to a particular situation; such as Battle of Badr or Battle of


Intention and war against Satan:

“Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who

disbelieve, fight in the cause of Satan. So fight against the friends

of Satan. Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Satan.”

{Quran, Surah 4: An-Nisa, Verse 76; Mohsin Translation}

Now the second question is, what is wrong in fighting against evil and

liberating people from sufferings?

“Once a person came to the Prophet (sws) and said that some people

fight for the spoils of war, some for fame and some to show off

their valour; he then asked the Prophet (sws): “Which one of them

fights in the way of Allah”. The Prophet (sws) replied: “Only that

person fights in the way of Allah who sets foot in the battlefield to

raise high the name of Allah”.

{ Sahih Bukhari 2810}

Who is a Holy Warrior?

According to the Quran, a martyr who died in the way of Jihad is

promised Paradise. But what are the criteria of martyr, or in other words,

what are the criteria of a Holy Warrior undertaking the True Jihad?

The most famous of all Hadith is the one regarding everything we do are

judged by our intensions; so as it is mentioned in the previous chapter.

So who is an example of a Holy Warrior?

Ali bin Abu Talib, cousin of Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) and the fourth

Caliph of the Islamic Ummah is a good example.

During one of the battles, Ali was about to give a deathblow to an enemy

soldier. Just then, that enemy soldier spat at Ali. Ali then suddenly

stopped, threw down his sword and refused to kill that enemy soldier.

After the battle, Ali’s soldiers asked Ali why he suddenly stopped

and refused to kill that enemy soldier on the battlefield.

Ali explained that he got angry when that enemy soldier spat at him. So

if he had killed that enemy soldier right then, he would be killing out of

his own anger and no longer fighting for Justice. In the sight of Allah, he

would then be no different from a murderer.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 07, 2015, 08:17:51 AM
....i have already put the full quote of the sentences you cherrypicked and your supposed quotes got biased by the full quotation. where it says to DEFEND yourself, not GO AND KILL Wink

"Defending yourself" is de facto violent.

The Christian equivalent might be to "turn the other cheek."  (Not that many actually do that, but some do, like the Quakers.)

But, but, but, Spendulus! Netpyder called me his friend. He said, "then YOU should roll back my friend," whatever that means. See? He called me his friend. And I'm the guy he talked about putting a bullet in the brain of on a previous occasion. Or does "roll back" mean "roll over and die?" Hmm. Maybe you have a point there, Spendy. Does sound kinda Islamite like.


your stupidity level is very high....

Coming from you an Islamite, this is a wonderful compliment.

When are you going to learn that words that state directives to do violence, can't be covered over by saying that the violence only exists because the words were taken out of context. It doesn't work like that. Violence directives are violence directives. If you have to twist the context all out of shape to take the violence out of the violence directives, you are really stating that the whole writing is a lie.

If something like this happened only once or twice, it might be different. But it isn't only once or twice. There are dozens of quotes from the Quran and the Hadith listed at These might be taken out of context, but if the context really says peace, then the whole of the Quran, the Hadith, and Islam is a mixed up mess.

Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists aren't really very bright. How can we tell? People who run around killing other people, when they know that it is going to cause problems for them in the future with governments of the people they kill, simply are crazy. And they are even crazier when they blow themselves up in the name of Allah, just to kill of some non-Muslims - sometimes they kill Islamites by accident, as well.

Why do they do it? Because they don't know how to twist the violent words of the Quran and Hadith into contextual peace like you seem to.

If you really cared for peace in Islam, you would be out there trying to teach your fellow Islamites so that they learn your so-called peace of Islam... a peace that they couldn't figure out from the context themselves.

You said my stupidity level is very high. Perhaps you are right. But it isn't high enough that it stops me from seeing that you are borderline Islamic Fundamentalist terrorist. You don't quite have the guts to go around killing. You don't quite have the guts to blow yourself up. And, you are rather smart. So you promote the terrorism in the way that is comfortable for you.

You sit at the keyboard and outright lie to as many people as you can so that they become comfortable with the idea that Islam is peaceful. If they convert fine. But if they don't, they will be so much easier for your terrorist buddies to kill off later, 'cause they don't suspect that you and Islam are as hateful as you both really are.

If you have an ounce of brains left, that have not been contaminated by the hate of Islam, get out now, so that you have a chance at life.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Scam / Scammer Hunter
April 07, 2015, 08:16:42 AM
In all seriousness, I've gotta commend you Islamites on your good use of the English language, which is in some cases a second or third language for you.


Yeah We are using English, We are reading Engling, We are Writing English.
I  think this is the best Thread for me, Through This thread people Search about Islam, What Is Islam? That they Read About Islam. This is even a great thing for me, that someone finding that Islam is a good Religion.

I agree 100% with this.

finaly you agree. it took some time but in the end you agreed with it.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Scam / Scammer Hunter
April 07, 2015, 04:03:34 AM
....i have already put the full quote of the sentences you cherrypicked and your supposed quotes got biased by the full quotation. where it says to DEFEND yourself, not GO AND KILL Wink

"Defending yourself" is de facto violent.

The Christian equivalent might be to "turn the other cheek."  (Not that many actually do that, but some do, like the Quakers.)

But, but, but, Spendulus! Netpyder called me his friend. He said, "then YOU should roll back my friend," whatever that means. See? He called me his friend. And I'm the guy he talked about putting a bullet in the brain of on a previous occasion. Or does "roll back" mean "roll over and die?" Hmm. Maybe you have a point there, Spendy. Does sound kinda Islamite like.


your stupidity level is very high....
Activity: 3234
Merit: 1654
Enterapp Pre-Sale Live -
April 07, 2015, 04:00:29 AM
In all seriousness, I've gotta commend you Islamites on your good use of the English language, which is in some cases a second or third language for you.


Yeah We are using English, We are reading Engling, We are Writing English.
I  think this is the best Thread for me, Through This thread people Search about Islam, What Is Islam? That they Read About Islam. This is even a great thing for me, that someone finding that Islam is a good Religion.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 06, 2015, 11:17:20 PM
In all seriousness, I've gotta commend you Islamites on your good use of the English language, which is in some cases a second or third language for you.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 06, 2015, 11:06:50 PM
....i have already put the full quote of the sentences you cherrypicked and your supposed quotes got biased by the full quotation. where it says to DEFEND yourself, not GO AND KILL Wink

"Defending yourself" is de facto violent.

The Christian equivalent might be to "turn the other cheek."  (Not that many actually do that, but some do, like the Quakers.)

But, but, but, Spendulus! Netpyder called me his friend. He said, "then YOU should roll back my friend," whatever that means. See? He called me his friend. And I'm the guy he talked about putting a bullet in the brain of on a previous occasion. Or does "roll back" mean "roll over and die?" Hmm. Maybe you have a point there, Spendy. Does sound kinda Islamite like.

hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 509
I prefer Zakir over Muhammed when mentioning me!
April 06, 2015, 11:03:55 PM
@BADecker: You must understand that there are sites which spread false things. So I asked you to put the verses, so I can know which one you think is "violent". How can we know which verses are violent for you? Or just copy-paste from a site and put the link to the site. As I have said earlier, please don't quote out-of-context verses. You must check whether they are in context verses or not.


"Defending yourself" is de facto violent.

The Christian equivalent might be to "turn the other cheek."  (Not that many actually do that, but some do, like the Quakers.)

What Jesus said is to do good, not "offer other cheek". I mean it is an indirect sentence.

I can also show you many good things done by Muhammad(PBUH).

The Qur'an says in the subject of surrendering one’s right to exact vengeance from another, “Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate.” (41: 34)

“But if the enemy incline towards peace, do you [also] incline towards peace, and trust in Allah: for He is the one that hears and knows [all things].” (8: 61)

You must remember that non-muslims at the time of Muhammad(PBUH) were attacking muslims and hurting, torturing, killing etc... So Qur'an said to defend because they haveno other choices. If you and your family is tortured and killed for many years, are you going to offer the other people/cheek/body or will you defend yourself and them? Isn't it obvious?
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
April 06, 2015, 07:23:10 PM
....i have already put the full quote of the sentences you cherrypicked and your supposed quotes got biased by the full quotation. where it says to DEFEND yourself, not GO AND KILL Wink

"Defending yourself" is de facto violent.

The Christian equivalent might be to "turn the other cheek."  (Not that many actually do that, but some do, like the Quakers.)
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Scam / Scammer Hunter
April 06, 2015, 06:56:41 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

Do Google search on "Islam violence" or "violence in Quran."


its up to you to stand your accusations and post buddy. put the quotes yourself.

'Cause you say so? You funny.    Grin

i stood to all my quotes with facts and proofs. where are yours?

i could also google : violence in buddism, violence in christianity, violence of atheists, violence of hindus... and still get millions of results..

but the post will become bias, you want to make a point, post your quotes from violence in the Quraan where it says BE VIOLENT, i am strapping on for your quotes mate..

Even if the Quran and Hadith did NOT have violence directives within them - but they do as you well know - it is simply happening, as Spendulus shows us all the time. Here is another one The question isn't about whether or not Islam hates people. The question is why?

I'm certain that the answer to the question has something to do with why YOU simply won't accept that the violence directives built into the Quran and Hadith - that stare you right in the face every time you read them, and that have been discussed throughout this thread, and that are easily found explained all over the Internet - are violence directives. Whatever your reasons, you completely deny them, attempting to whitewash them, trying to make them look like peace, right in the face of the fact that they are violence directives made up of violence directive words.

You show over and over that the mind of the steadfast Islamite has been warped and brainwashed into thinking that violence is not such when an Islamite does it to a non-Islamite.

Well, that's okay. Even though regular people would like peace in the world, as you Islamites break into factions and slaughter each other off, so much the better for the rest of us. We wanted the peace. But you would have none of it. But don't expect us to simply sit back and let you destroy us like you are killing yourselves off.


you still have not supported your :  violence directive built into the Quraan and Hadith with quotes from the Quraan and Hadith...

we are still waiting for that, as Zakir posted earlier on..

i would love to read the verses.

and as zakir pointed out :

Quote from: Muhammed Zakir on Today at 04:43:47 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

we are waiting for the quotes buddy... impatiently waiting for the quotes.

Since they roll off you like water off a duck, why should I repeat them again? Any time you are interested, you can go back through the posts in this thread, or search the Internet.

The fact that you don't even want to look at them, shows that you aren't really interested in me repeating them.


then YOU should roll back my friend. i have already put the full quote of the sentences you cherrypicked and your supposed quotes got biased by the full quotation. where it says to DEFEND yourself, not GO AND KILL Wink
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 06, 2015, 06:46:35 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

Do Google search on "Islam violence" or "violence in Quran."


its up to you to stand your accusations and post buddy. put the quotes yourself.

'Cause you say so? You funny.    Grin

i stood to all my quotes with facts and proofs. where are yours?

i could also google : violence in buddism, violence in christianity, violence of atheists, violence of hindus... and still get millions of results..

but the post will become bias, you want to make a point, post your quotes from violence in the Quraan where it says BE VIOLENT, i am strapping on for your quotes mate..

Even if the Quran and Hadith did NOT have violence directives within them - but they do as you well know - it is simply happening, as Spendulus shows us all the time. Here is another one The question isn't about whether or not Islam hates people. The question is why?

I'm certain that the answer to the question has something to do with why YOU simply won't accept that the violence directives built into the Quran and Hadith - that stare you right in the face every time you read them, and that have been discussed throughout this thread, and that are easily found explained all over the Internet - are violence directives. Whatever your reasons, you completely deny them, attempting to whitewash them, trying to make them look like peace, right in the face of the fact that they are violence directives made up of violence directive words.

You show over and over that the mind of the steadfast Islamite has been warped and brainwashed into thinking that violence is not such when an Islamite does it to a non-Islamite.

Well, that's okay. Even though regular people would like peace in the world, as you Islamites break into factions and slaughter each other off, so much the better for the rest of us. We wanted the peace. But you would have none of it. But don't expect us to simply sit back and let you destroy us like you are killing yourselves off.


you still have not supported your :  violence directive built into the Quraan and Hadith with quotes from the Quraan and Hadith...

we are still waiting for that, as Zakir posted earlier on..

i would love to read the verses.

and as zakir pointed out :

Quote from: Muhammed Zakir on Today at 04:43:47 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

we are waiting for the quotes buddy... impatiently waiting for the quotes.

Since they roll off you like water off a duck, why should I repeat them again? Any time you are interested, you can go back through the posts in this thread, or search the Internet.

The fact that you don't even want to look at them, shows that you aren't really interested in me repeating them.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Scam / Scammer Hunter
April 06, 2015, 06:37:25 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

Do Google search on "Islam violence" or "violence in Quran."


its up to you to stand your accusations and post buddy. put the quotes yourself.

'Cause you say so? You funny.    Grin

i stood to all my quotes with facts and proofs. where are yours?

i could also google : violence in buddism, violence in christianity, violence of atheists, violence of hindus... and still get millions of results..

but the post will become bias, you want to make a point, post your quotes from violence in the Quraan where it says BE VIOLENT, i am strapping on for your quotes mate..

Even if the Quran and Hadith did NOT have violence directives within them - but they do as you well know - it is simply happening, as Spendulus shows us all the time. Here is another one The question isn't about whether or not Islam hates people. The question is why?

I'm certain that the answer to the question has something to do with why YOU simply won't accept that the violence directives built into the Quran and Hadith - that stare you right in the face every time you read them, and that have been discussed throughout this thread, and that are easily found explained all over the Internet - are violence directives. Whatever your reasons, you completely deny them, attempting to whitewash them, trying to make them look like peace, right in the face of the fact that they are violence directives made up of violence directive words.

You show over and over that the mind of the steadfast Islamite has been warped and brainwashed into thinking that violence is not such when an Islamite does it to a non-Islamite.

Well, that's okay. Even though regular people would like peace in the world, as you Islamites break into factions and slaughter each other off, so much the better for the rest of us. We wanted the peace. But you would have none of it. But don't expect us to simply sit back and let you destroy us like you are killing yourselves off.


you still have not supported your :  violence directive built into the Quraan and Hadith with quotes from the Quraan and Hadith...

we are still waiting for that, as Zakir posted earlier on..

i would love to read the verses.

and as zakir pointed out :

Quote from: Muhammed Zakir on Today at 04:43:47 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

we are waiting for the quotes buddy... impatiently waiting for the quotes.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 06, 2015, 06:17:11 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

Do Google search on "Islam violence" or "violence in Quran."


its up to you to stand your accusations and post buddy. put the quotes yourself.

'Cause you say so? You funny.    Grin

i stood to all my quotes with facts and proofs. where are yours?

i could also google : violence in buddism, violence in christianity, violence of atheists, violence of hindus... and still get millions of results..

but the post will become bias, you want to make a point, post your quotes from violence in the Quraan where it says BE VIOLENT, i am strapping on for your quotes mate..

Even if the Quran and Hadith did NOT have violence directives within them - but they do as you well know - it is simply happening, as Spendulus shows us all the time. Here is another one The question isn't about whether or not Islam hates people. The question is why?

I'm certain that the answer to the question has something to do with why YOU simply won't accept that the violence directives built into the Quran and Hadith - that stare you right in the face every time you read them, and that have been discussed throughout this thread, and that are easily found explained all over the Internet - are violence directives. Whatever your reasons, you completely deny them, attempting to whitewash them, trying to make them look like peace, right in the face of the fact that they are violence directives made up of violence directive words.

You show over and over that the mind of the steadfast Islamite has been warped and brainwashed into thinking that violence is not such when an Islamite does it to a non-Islamite.

Well, that's okay. Even though regular people would like peace in the world, as you Islamites break into factions and slaughter each other off, so much the better for the rest of us. We wanted the peace. But you would have none of it. But don't expect us to simply sit back and let you destroy us like you are killing yourselves off.

Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
!!! RiSe aBovE ThE StoRm !!!
April 06, 2015, 01:25:25 PM
The links and footnotes should be clear from the Wikipedia.

However I will tell you this.  Regarding "why does Islam hate" there is no need to look further than this Naik - and others like him.

Okay. I will take a look tomorrow. Now my internet is slow.

Look how you tell "Islam hates" because of some people's actions/words. This is were you need to change, friend! I believe one day you will understand this belief is wrong. Smiley

You are right...
At some ends, where people are actually innocent are gradually scolded by other sources just because these sources want their mission to be accomplished, they don't care whether innocent persons live or die...
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
April 06, 2015, 01:13:09 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

Do Google search on "Islam violence" or "violence in Quran."


its up to you to stand your accusations and post buddy. put the quotes yourself.

'Cause you say so? You funny.    Grin

i stood to all my quotes with facts and proofs. where are yours?

i could also google : violence in buddism, violence in christianity, violence of atheists, violence of hindus... and still get millions of results..

but the post will become bias, you want to make a point, post your quotes from violence in the Quraan where it says BE VIOLENT, i am strapping on for your quotes mate..
I don't understand this.

If Zakir defends stoning a woman to death, or cutting off hands and feet because those are prescribed in the Koran, obviously, the Koran advocates "violence."
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Scam / Scammer Hunter
April 06, 2015, 01:04:08 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

Do Google search on "Islam violence" or "violence in Quran."


its up to you to stand your accusations and post buddy. put the quotes yourself.

'Cause you say so? You funny.    Grin

i stood to all my quotes with facts and proofs. where are yours?

i could also google : violence in buddism, violence in christianity, violence of atheists, violence of hindus... and still get millions of results..

but the post will become bias, you want to make a point, post your quotes from violence in the Quraan where it says BE VIOLENT, i am strapping on for your quotes mate..
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 06, 2015, 12:54:08 PM
@BADecker: Please give me verses saying "be violent". Please don't take out-of-context verses. Because I couldn't find violent verses. Probably, in your language, self righteous.

Do Google search on "Islam violence" or "violence in Quran."


its up to you to stand your accusations and post buddy. put the quotes yourself.

'Cause you say so? You funny.    Grin
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