Taxation is theft. Period.
Its redistribution and some say the first step to socialisation of a society. People dont agree to pay taxes, its part of the burden they bare on birth really. USA by the numbers is the poorest nation to have ever existed, every citizen owes $70,000 in US treasury debt from the moment they are born till they die. Other nations you can at least start off at zero but here the continual taxation is required to balance the debt; its not optional ! Even a baby pays taxes if you include the sales tax and tariffs levied on the goods they require to live. Thats the sadest thing about taxes, its often quite unfair in its burden on the poorest people who are least able to avoid it.
A very rich person will not receive their income directly, the rich person will own the company that pays the taxes. The company will be able to schedule its taxes over 6 years and balance losses against profits and so in sum total pay nothing quite often. yet the rich person as owner of the company will be able to benefit from its ongoing balance sheet however that is arranged.
The fairest tax is not to deny all money to the state but only allow the luxury goods to have a sales tax on them. In this way your average Porsche owner is voltunteering to pay his government budget for that year with a 20% or 30% tax on his luxury sports car. He gets to feel special and drive a mostly useless fast car in city traffic and society benefits from his wealth and the whole nation is better off.
Taxing babies or the poorest people on items such as heating or food and clothes is the way in which the poor are restricted disproportionately.