Terorism is originally made by Islam.
I have known all religion at school and this is the worst ( no offence but a fact)
Now islam had spread into a complex form that will attract more follower become a terorist like ISIS nowdays
As much as you might be right, you are also extremely wrong. It's not the religion itself that created terrorism, it's some of its people. Back when the prohet existed, muslims were going into wars, to defend themselves against people who wanted the religion to die simply because it came to abolish things that were bad. So there were muslim arabs, who agreed to join the religion, and arabs who didn't, because they simply liked to treat themselves (have sex with any woman they like, have their trials simply done by sword to sword duels, drink with no limits, etc etc etc... Islam abolishing these things was clearly rational, but obviously not everyone was going to like it.
So when muslims went into wars, the religion promised the ones who would fight and unfortunately die bravely in the land of battle, would have a granted place in heaven. That's why muslim soldiers back in that time managed to conquer almost all of North Africa, and South Asia. Muslims would fight in battles willing to give up their lives for their religion.
So decades after those times, while all of what I said is stated in Islam's religious book, some people, who are initially the reason of all terrorism, decide to twist the book and use only versets that are in their benefits, they go to illiterate muslims, gather a big bunch of them, and make them understand that muslims used to kill anyone who wasn't a muslim, and it is allowed and even recommended by the religion. They even tell them that if they die fighting people from other religions, they will absolutely be granted a place in heaven. And they believe them, knowing nothing better, having no life purpose, being raised in a country where religion is law.
Don't think of 9/11 or of any muslim that suicides to kill as many people as possible as your classical kamikaze. Kamikazes are people who have given up on life, and in a last hope, does some sort of attack to change the tide of a war. A muslim "kamikaze", or terrorist as you would call him, is simply a brainwashed person, that thinks what he does will make him the happiest man alive. I mean I believe in heaven, all muslims believe in heaven, all religious people believe in heaven. But suiciding, while killing completely innocent beings, is not even allowed in the religion of Islam itself. There are several versets, clearly saying that : anyone who suicides, will lose any hope of accessing heaven. Anyone who kills a person with no reason, will also go to hell, since a human has no right to judge and take another human's soul only by God's law. Back when the prophet existed, muslims would live peacefully with not only atheists, but also christians, jews. When muslims would go to war against other religions, they would send a messenger, to explain every aspect of the religion to them, and ask them to join them. If they didn't agree, they would ask for safe haven to all muslim armies on their territories, when then they wouldn't agree, they clearly challenge the muslims to war, which is why there are several clashes between muslims and christians in history.