CoinCollect, you demonize sex as if it were something to be ashamed about. Your mom had sex, so did your dad, so did my mom, and so did my dad, and so did their parents too. It's natural, it's one of the seven biological characteristics of life, commonly referred to as mating, reproduction, but familiar to us as love.
What is your problem with citizens having sexual intercourse for money? They are only using their bodies for their personal gain, you are unaffected. If you do not like prostitution, do not buy a prostitute. As for your other vulgar remarks about having sex on trains or public areas, you need to understand that the human body is nothing to be ashamed of. We are born without clothing, and in most regions, in an era where religion didn't govern through the state, humans wore just enough to keep them warm. Don't let the state tell you what to wear or where to reproduce.
You claim that Islam would prevent incestuous sex, alcoholism, and gambling. Yet, famous leaders and citizens of predominantly Islamic states of the world all consume alcohol and gamble.
It is disturbing that you claim that an adult industry entertainer such Lisa Ann should be killed for simply doing what she wishes with her body. What about all the men that watch her works on television? I'm going to be honest with you buddy, I didn't even know who Lisa Ann was before I googled her name, if you think porn is so detrimental, why do you know the names of porn artists, such as Lisa Ann?
This neat little, I like to call it a diagram, will help you out on Libertarianism.