Unfortunately, the main problem is still religion and all the "isms" behind...
Muslims DO NOT and CAN NOT hate christians because the glorious Quran says "...and nearest among them in love to
the believers will you find those who
say, 'We are Christians,' because
amongst these are men devoted to
learning and men who have
renounced the world, and they are
not arrogant" (5:82).
To muslims the greatest truth is the words of our lord I.e Quran and when He says that Christians love muslims more than anybody else,how can we Muslim hate them.I too have observed it from my personal experience that Christians,compared to people of other faiths, are more friendly and compassionate towards muslim
The video of the Femi-Nazies disrupting the Muslim meeting may actually tell us more than it seems.
Two Femen activists half-naked and with messages written on their bodies jumped on the stage and disrupted a speech of two imams during the Muslim Salon in Pontoise, Saturday.
I have never seen so many men kicking a half naked woman while on the floor. She was like a soccer ball...
Consider that when the two girls leap on stage, the clerics talk a bit, then silently walk off stage. They want no part of this. Then one man forcibly takes one girl and gets her offstage. Then more men come on stage for the second girl, and this degenerates into a brutal beating.
But, it is said "Islam is a religion of peace." Well, then the duty of the clerics should have been to say exactly that, when the beating started. But they didn't. I would like to hear their opinion on this matter. Maybe, now that we see what has happened, they regret not staying on stage.
The Christian would likely have thought it his duty to protect the girls, although he was disgusted with their actions and world view.
Now I assume the audience was large, maybe thousands? So we can say, yes, most of these devout Muslims were peaceful. Thousands did not go on stage to help in the beating. Thousands did nothing. Only a few did so. "Ah, they are not True Muslims. Islam is perfect, and these men are imperfect."
Is that an excuse? Worldwide, not dis similarly, people have trouble with the few Muslims. The few who are violent.
The Enforcers.
The silence of the clerics, and the passivity of the thousands, is not virtuous behavior. It is acceptance of the violence in Islam.