I was going with
If there is free will in heaven, then there is evil in heaven, so it is not heaven.
If there is no free will in heaven, then it is a prison, so it is not heaven.
i.e. there is no heaven.
All using religitards' logic.
In Heaven, evil won't exist. So there is no free will to do evil. But not because there wouldn't be if it existed.
So you will not be able to lift your finger, never mind to do anything else, like taking a piss whenever you want, LOL.
Nice heaven concept you got there. At least Muslims talk about streets full of gold, wine and virgins. And you guys hope to go to a place where you won't be able to do anything on your own free will.
Before you reply with your: "But in heaven, with free will, we will be able to only do good, not evil", it is not free will if you cannot do both good and/or evil. That is why you guys call it FREE will.
Checkmate. There is no heaven using your own Christian logic.
If lifting your finger is evil in Heaven, you won't have the free will to lift your finger.
When there isn't any such thing as evil, there won't be any free will to do such.
Since you like evil so much, you will go to the place where all the evil will exist... the place you have asked for... Hell. You won't have any free will to choose good, there. Because there won't be any good there. Your choice. Choose well while you still have time.