1. I asked if there is no God how was man made to be? (if you say organisms well what happen to those organisms ?)
2. I have seen people illness that the doctor said was incurable all of a sudden disappear without explanation ? (if one can explain how?)
3. all the species we have on earth I can but ask myself how was it all created if not by a supernatural source ? (if you have a theory love to hear it )
4. there are how many languages on earth how did it all come about! i just see somethings among men that always point there is a GOD
it does not matter if you believe or not
it does not matter how long your theory or smart
it does not matter how we want to feel about it
there is something that we cant always explain the source and that is GOD
Can you prove that BTGEB (Bobby The God-Eating Bear) exists?
Unless you can prove that BTGEB does not exist, God does not exist because it will be eaten by the BTGEB.
If you can prove that BTGEB does not exist, then apply the same method to God.
It logically follows that God does not exist.
BTGEB is only another name you are applying to Satan.
God created Satan for good. God gave Satan great enough wisdom so that Satan walked with God on "the fiery stones." Some people think that Satan may even have been third highest in Heaven at one time.
But Satan thought he was better than God and tried to conquer God. So, God destroyed him, and is in the process of destroying his works.
The reason it is difficult to see how God is doing this is, God does things with His strength. Nobody deters God, not even Satan. So, God is doing what He set out to do, while at the same time pulling Satan's destructive forces out of it all, and destroying them.
BTGEB is dead, killed by God. We are simply to minuscule in our little lives to understand it easily.
Now, the question is, will you continue to follow BTGEB/Satan and be destroyed along with him? Or will you turn to be saved by God as He wants you to be?