Set a bowl of fresh-pressed grape juice out on the table for a few hours in a warm climate, and the grape starts to turn into wine all by itself.
Find some grapes on a vine, where the grapes are over-ripe and have started to shrivel. Eat one of them and you will taste the fermentation right in the grape.
Say it right out straight, if grapes are off limits to Muslims. But if they aren't, they will ferment right in your stomach after you eat them. You can't get away from wine if you eat grapes.
Exactly. The wild yeast living on grapes skin was supposedly put there by Allah, the maker of all things. LOL
Looks like Allah was confused about his own creations (or the writers of Quran did not know exactly what makes grapes turn into wine and settled on the "work of Satan" as the "answer")
A more sane explanation is that Quran was hastily assembled into a book by some military leaders who saw disorder among the ranks.
These guys plagiarized the Bible (which in turn was plagiarized from the Egyptian texts) and added few mistakes of their own in the process.
What I mean above is behavior in the world
Because the situation in heaven is not like this world. The nature of this world for believers is the test and the field to get supplies until the afterlife. Allah SWT decreases so many rules that are obligatory or prohibited. Whoever carries out obligations and leaves haram, will get the pleasure of Allah SWT and be put into His heaven.
Whereas in heaven, it can be said that there are no more rules or shari'ah to do. All become permitted for believers. Something that is forbidden in this world is permissible. Including drinking khamar as you mentioned. Even khamar is available free in heaven on a flowing river.
So, the question becomes, is it the doing? Or is it faith?
For example. If bad people kidnap a child of some rich parents, why does a police officer rescue the child? Does he do it because he feels sorry for the child? Does he do it because it is his duty? Does he do it for the reward the rich parents offer?
The point is, it isn't the
doing that God recognizes as much as the
reason for doing it. Why? Because God looks at everything; He looks at the hearts of people. God doesn't need people to rescue kids. He can do it Himself. But He has made this world, as you say, partially as a testing ground for people. So He lets people do what they do as a test on all of the people invloved. But He looks at the hearts/faith of people in the things that they do.
This means that the heavenly position (or the Hell position for those who don't make it to Heaven) is based on faith rather than works. The works are simply the result of faith (except in accidents).
So, what is the proper faith to have, since that is what counts? What do we have faith in? How does it work, this having faith idea or goal?