Earth not being an isolated system doesn't have anything to do with complex life in the presence of cause and effect. Why not? Because we see devolution all over the place. But we don't see anything evolving except where we have changed the meaning of "evolution" to simply mean "change." Cause and effect produces change.
Complex from simple, if it happens, is induced to happen by cause and effect. This means that something way more complex caused the simple to complex to happen.
Entropy is proof of a beginning. If it were not as widespread, or if we could ascertain that it didn't work for everything, then it might not be.
Now we are getting somewhere. Something causes mutations, morphological changes. You got it right.
Did you know that the rate of gene mutation goes through the roof in space? Astronaut's gene mutations increase in space, and 'come' back down when they return to Earth.
Environment causes things to happen.
The same way, something caused the Big Bang to happen. I bet you in 100 years we'll know what it was. And I bet you we'll have bunch of other unknowns that we'll be looking to find answers to.
Imagine if you lived 600 years ago, your 'proof' of God would be diametrically different.
It is very tempting to say that something powerful and unknown is responsible for all the universe(s). Right now, we have the Dark Energy and Matter that we do not understand. Are you going to call it 'God'?
Something causes mutations, morphological changes..HOT and COLD elements =morphological changes=biological morphological changes.
A biomolecule or biological molecule is molecule that is present in living organisms, including large macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, as well as small molecules such as primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, and natural products
The important point is, we haven't found any mutations that are beneficial more than they are detrimental in some other ways.
Here you go:
http://bigthink.com/daylight-atheism/evolution-is-still-happening-beneficial-mutations-in-humansEvolution is happening. Why? Because evolution means change.... at least the way it is applied today. All this does is to show that cause and effect are still working.
Yeah, environment causes mutations.
Environment mutations, set in place at or near the Beginning, by God, using cause and effect.
How do you know God caused the environmental mutations? Do you have any evidence that God is responsible for genetic mutations caused by the environment?
Hint: be very careful. Two words: crippled babies.
Cause and effect show that God put everything into effect. When people set things up so that mutations become abundant in a localized area, they are becoming part of the cause and effect of mutations. God listens to them, and gives them what they ask for, via cause and effect.
Regarding crippled babies, God, being the giving God He is, gives them life even though they are crippled. While you are not a baby, you are an example of the way it works.
God gave you life and everything that you have. You asked for atheism, so God gave you a network of atheists to supply you with the thing you asked for.
While the babies probably didn't ask to be crippled, at least not verbally, they asked for life, and God gave it to them. Think of how great He is that He gives them life in the face of their crippledness.
However, God will give them eternal life, along with the rest of us... since we are ALL way crippled, far from perfection. And, He knows how to judge whether or not they believe in Jesus, so that they can be saved for Heaven, or condemned for Hell... just like He knows how to judge you that way.
However, thank you for upholding the fact that God exists, thereby showing that atheism is false, and a lie.