Please check out the rest of the universe to find God. If you don't find Him, then you might be an atheist. But if you find Him, please describe Him to us.
You don't know for certain that the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist or the Flying Tea Pot. Because you haven't checked out the whole universe to see if the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Flying Tea Pot are on some other star or planet. So, there aren't actually any people who don't believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. There are only anti-spaghetti wanna-be's, right?
Please check out the rest of the universe to find the Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you don't find him, then you might be an anti-spaghettio. But if you find Him, please describe Him to us.
Thank you. With regard to the topic of this thread, you are helping prove that there are no atheists. Why not? Because those who want to identify themselves that way (as atheists), suggest that they believe that God does not exist. But like nobody can prove that the "Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Flying Tea Pot" don't exist, neither can they prove that God doesn't exist. Since they can't prove it - or even begin to prove it - and since they know this, they don't really believe that God doesn't exist. They might look at the odds - there's a lot of space out there, so the odds are in favor of the God possibility - but they surely don't really believe that God doesn't exist. All they are is atheist wanna-be's... if that.
By your logic, there aren't any Christians because they can't prove that God exists.