Did you not see? Just because I say that cause and effect is a scientific law, doesn't mean that it is. Yet, my words are proof in the sense that you can use my words as prompting to go and find out that cause and effect are scientific law... from the people who have proven that cause and effect are scientific law... like Newton, in his 3rd law. So, my words ARE proof in the sense that they are backed up by the proof of the scientific laws that others - multitudes of others - have confirmed.
While cause and effect alone does not prove that God exists, it almost does. How? By setting the stage through elimination of any sort of random. A person needs to consider what random really is. And I talk about it in my posts that I list.
There isn't any such thing as random. There is only our lack of observation of cause and effect. We can't see the countless operations of cause and effect - such as all the cause and effect actions by which all the individual electrons move as they do - so we use an artificial random to guess how things work. It is not true random. It is artificial, like when you toss a coin into the air, or roll dice. You use the term random to guess the results of your actions. Yet, there is no random, because it is all the forces of your toss or roll that cause the the results to happen the way that they do.
Why is the fact that there is no random important? It means that all operations of the universe, including life, never happened by accident. They were all caused. That is why EVOLUTION is simply change. It is never any spontaneous form of random effect. There is no form of pure random that has ever been seen or found by anyone. If you think there is some pure random somwhere, show the proof of it that can be confirmed, and has been confirmed by others.
Once you start to understand this, you have set the groundwork for the next two parts... entropy and complexity. Entropy and complexity take you the rest of the way to God.
Here's an experiment in random for you BADecker, grab a set of Lego blocks, as many shapes, colours and sizes as you can and place them in front of you. Now close your eyes and grab any two pieces and join them together with your eyes still shut. With your eyes still closed, feel around and grab another piece and join it to the connected pieces, repeat as many times as you feel like.
What is the result? Could you have predicted the outcome of colour and shape even though you were the direct cause?
While there is probably a limit to the number of cause and effect actions that caused the Legos to lie in the exact places that they exist it, that number is fantastically great... way beyond understanding by mankind.
You should be in politics with question side stepping skills like this.
Actually, the question sidesteps itself. There is no random. There is only inability to observe cause and effect in detail. The question is not a real question. At best, it is a play question.
Even if I am asked a question, where is the requirement that I answer it? How much less when the question is as nonsensical as the one asked?