You are confusing "nothing", as lack of awareness (being dead), with nothing as a physical vacuum with no particles (and I can accept also: with no quantum fields, even if Krauss doesn't accept this).
There is no evidence that our awareness can arise from nothingness. All the evidence??!! points to awareness being cyclical and continuous.
Awareness arises from non-awareness: the fetus clearly isn't aware during most time of the gestation, until at least the central neurological system is built. Then, slowly, develops some basic elements of awareness. And, after being born, acquires full awareness.
If you are talking about how life evolves from simple matter, we still don't now the exact mechanism, even if we are close. But ignorance isn't evidence of god existence.
I wonder if you realize the consequences of the revelation of beliefs like yours. Try to say you believe in reincarnation (it seems what you mean with "Awareness is continuous and cyclical") on a job interview.
There are so many nuts saying they are Napoleon... I guess, for you, their statements are "evidence" of the "continuity of awareness". But even you have to accept that they can't all be Napoleon and,therefore, they are crazy or lying.
You are quoting me cases of personal experiences, that can't be replicated. If I interviewed junkies, I would find much many cases even more impressive than yours. That's not evidence.
Your statement that the brain can't have any activity once the oxygen flow stops is false. Brain activity measurable on a EGG only disappears after 20-40 seconds ( This time is enough to leave memories of hallucinations. Actually, the hallucinations probably start before the complete stop of the supply of oxygen. And in that situation, 40 seconds of hallucinations might seem minutes to the near death individual.
Those hallucinations are purely chemical. I gave sources on that.
You can't compare Asimov's science fiction with scientific theories.