Socialism: taking a share of YOUR Bitcoin to spend it on something not decided by you. Do you agree to it, or coercion would be necessary?
not true at all, no one in Canada has anythign stolen by our very socialist govt and the majority of Government programs benefit all Canadians. Not a single Canadian is against our universally free health care, you never hear us complain about or socialized programs, we only take advantage of them and you never hear us complain that other people decided on our money because its done through taxes wich Americans already have, in Canada we have a bigger middle class and a better quality of life for our worst off.
remember a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Plus , you spend the money anyways
instead of taxes that cover you schoolign and health care, you pay through the nose for school and health care.
You end up paying anyways
How much of your Bitcoin are your ready to forfeit in taxes each years (wealth tax) and how much of your new Bitcoin (income tax) and how much at each purchase (vat)? How much do you consider fair?
Socialism always end up Venezuelan... There is no other option because greed isn't the product of capitalism bit of the human nature and particularly women hypergamie...
Well if Venezuela screwed up socialism it must be bad...#Sarcasm. Dude come to Canada an tell me its not working out.
Look the thing is with capitalism, Communism or Socialism, they are just systems to be followed and if your a greedy dick you can always screw them up.
Communism sounds great in theory but it was screwed up by greedy dicks, so does that make it a bad system or does that mean greedy dicks can ruin it?
Capitalism was working fine but currently its being ruined by greedy dicks
The lesson isn't that any system is bad the lesson is don't be a greedy dick and everything will be fine.
In Canada, our dollar is doing fine, our middle class is doing fine our health care is solid and even reoccurring cancers of the worst kind get treated over and over with out you ever being turned away, we are a perfect example of how when properly applied taxes can be a wonderful thing!
I would gladly pay taxes on my BTC if it went to a communal cause the was proven to benefit all BTC holders, your problem is that you are blaming the systems instead of blaming the greedy, like you should.