Socialism is more better specially if your leader is charactirize by this kind of person because if your leader is socialist he is an open minded person and a very approachable person, he knows what is the problem of the poor person and also the rich person. He has two society the rich society and the poor society. He is a successful person but he brought his heart in his successful life. Socialism is not communism why? The difference of this is Communism hates rich people and love power while Socialism hates oligarch persons and dont have interest in power I mean he believes in destiny and socialist person is believe in god while communist person do not believe in god.
soacialism always ends up as communism... "socialist person is believe in god while communist person do not believe in god." well from all the intervies and protests I;ve seen, I can surely say that todays "socialists" share the same opinion on that question..
Socialism has no link with communism...
It's like saying capitalism always ends up becoming fascism. .. it has no link whatsoever ><
Socialism is nice in theory but practically doesn't work.
It can work until all money is spend.
After that country collapse and long time of recovery is needed.
Perfect example right now is Venezuela.
Country so rich with oil but economy collapsed and people don't have even enough food to eat.
If you read books from some communists (Engels, Lenin), you will know that they said that first step before ideal, communist world, will be socialism.