Such dream world doesn't exist.
Socialism and communism experiment failed miserably in every country and society, like Soviet Union, Cuba, N. Korea, Poland etc.
If everybody are equal and doesn't matter how much you work, your salary will be the same, eventually you will loose desire to work and make any effort.
If only state ownership exist, and product of your work don't belong to you, you will eventually loose interest in your work.
Only real competition bring progress, not utopia where everybody receive the same, and not according to results and effort involved.
Because of this capitalism is dominant ideology today in the world.
We need today social capitalism where state help people in need and support them, through state programs etc. but not again new socialist utopia.
Exactly, I believe that equality shouldn't exist in that way "everybody gets paid the same", because that can ruin interest to work. Why would you bother doing more work and trying to be more productive if you won't be paid more for that work. Not everyone is satisfied with just ENOUGH money. Also, there would be no private business opening and therefore no extra workplaces. Id you ask me, Id like to see a way/economy politics that will encourage people to work more and open up their private business, so that people who cant to work will get a chance to prove themselves and do something with their lives.
If you think that you are stuck in socialism in America, watch Karl Lentz talking to the cop who gave him a traffic ticket, after the trial that Karl won -
We can use Karl's methods in America to get out of paying most taxes. If we did, government would dwindle down to nothing, and there would be freedom.