There are places where it's normal and a regular thing seeing elderly women gambling in a gamble shop but in this part of the world it is uncommon and for that it seems weird seeing such an elderly woman seriously gambling and that's why many persons are pondering about her engagement in betting.
However, I want to know as forum members from different parts of the world your thought's towards this based on your environmental perspective towards gambling irrespective of whosoever is involved be it young or elderly in as much as the individual is of gambling age.
Lastly, will you feel comfortable or worried knowing that your mother is a dedicated gambler; and if you feel worried are you worried that she may be losing a pool of cash or your worried because you fear for her health as gamblers can get negative emotions when losing money.
Very interesting topic, as a gambler I don't even like the idea of women gambling whether old or are naturally rational than women, as men we can control our emotions, and we know the emotional rollercoaster that comes with gambling, they will definitely make irrational decisions that will affect Everyone around them(family) so to answer your question, yes I will be very worried and I would do everything in my power to make her avoid it..