The funniest part of it is that, he was supposed to pay his son's school fee and hard already promised to send the school their money within 4 days, this was around 26th he made that promise hoping to get 30th to 1st of next month to deliver the money to them. I don't know if I would say devil came into him and he spent all the money maybe he was trying to see if he could increase his salary before going home, and he ended wasting the money and came back home empty handed.
How did we know, it happens that someone very close to the family saw him while entering the gambling shop it was then the information leak out to family that he spent all his salary in gambling shop. If you look closely to the nature of the lady over there you would see that she's frustrated and don't know what to do either to go home or continues staying there. God help our gender!
it would be always that best that you should really be letting her know about those possible problems that could arise in too much dealing with gambling. For entertainment purposes then its good
but if you are tending to make constant money or winnings then its bad.