Even if you do not talk about honesty, then I think most people here are adequate and would not cheat - simply because it is fraught with consequences and risks such as litigation or prison. The average person has a lot of opportunities to steal and commit petty crimes in everyday life, but I see that the majority behave adequately - and it seems to me not just because they are super honest, but because this is rational behavior.
Few days ago, while I've converted some bitcoins earned from my signature campaign to fiat through a crypto exchange and requested withdrawal to my bank account, i had the opportunity of cheating the exchange because they sent the money twice, money equivalent to $100 was sent twice to my bank account, just then, several thought began running in my head, i thought of keeping the money, and even when i decided i will return it, i waited for the exchange to contact me first, but they didn't, after the third day, i got myself up and contacted the exchange and told them the money i requested to withdraw 3 days ago was sent twice to my bank account, after they verified it was true, they provided an account and asked me send the other half to it, i did and after they verified receipt of the fund, the customer care i was in contact with told me that the entire management of the exchange is saying a big thank you to me, i was really happy and proud for doing what is right.
I tell you sincerely, Many will fall at the fore front of such temptation.