There is no guarantee that you can make more profit if you are in higher rank. Many times a gambler who wins the 10th place profits more than the first winner.
Shouldn't be greedy for bigger prizes. It can cost the gambler much more than the prize.
It would be better if you do not aim for the prize of the competition. Focusing too much to compete for the prize of the competition may lead you to something bad, so you need to be realistic as well.
I understand you guys but you don't know what's on the mind of other participants. They wouldn't join a contest if they don't have any intention of winning and aiming for a nicer prize potential but as the prizes stated, they have an idea on how much they would get if they will put the most from them.
19 hours left for the contest, good luck everybody.
Yeah that's why I recommend anyone to be more realistic especially those who have limited small bankroll to join the contest.
Aiming for the prize at the beginning is good but we should also take a look at the process as well, at least we need to see our current position as well as position of other players.
It would be bad if once we make good profit but we force ourselves to get the contest prize while there is a big chance to lose what we have won.
All in all, it is just a suggestion but surely anyone has their own right to do anything during the contest.