Wow what a pathological liar ole silverkingUK is. Anyone who disagrees is a troll, anyone who has a negative comment to his statement is a troll. LOL the guy is NOT fit to hold any office in XC tbh. It seems you can not ask legit question in the QIBuck thread without being branded a troll - pathetic. Then what does Silver do ?? he comes in here and starts DRAMA. Guy is a drama queen and gets upset at questions. I am sorry I for one want this garbage removed from the team.
I invest with MY MONEY. If I want to ask other teams questions - I will not be made out like a troll - the questions I asked still havent been answered because Silver"drama queen"kingUK wont allow it.
Not to mention the shit storm he caused in here because of some questions HE didn't like in another thread. What a loser with a massive chip on his shoulder.
I wonder were all the IPO money is going - "Ellie" is getting a bit with NO updates to where it is and the ledger isn't updated (people have taken holidays since after the IPO sold out and BTC crashed a bit after the sell out..hmmmm)
I am sorry, If I invest my money in a coin you can go blow me if you think MY questions are trolling - that is YOUR problem and lying again wont save or help you in this instance.
I was also labeled a troll and someone who FUDs. I also had legitimate questions with no real answers. His team then attacked me by using the premise that I don't like females in this market.
What sort of crud is that?
Well enough of this guy. I'm sticking with XC , they have the tech and others will license/pay XC. Smarter choice.
Pretty much, they will use every angle to come out on top as that is what liars do. XC coin has the tech and skillset to do much more than any coin out there.
I wont say where and or who - but I was already aware of the collab between the coins hence why I was in there
before the announcement asking questions. I made a mint off QBK resurgence from it.
When you are a powerhouse in the TECH world (as XC IS) and you collab with a new venture the first thing the XC crowd is going to ask - who is what ? who can do what ? instead... being branded a liar, fudder, troll. Thats why I was getting shitty. Then that muppets attitude stinks and caused more drama.
Your right enough about that/him/the coin...Xc all the way.