I really don't think that is mike, because we have seen how easily XC can be pumped, and how much more expensive it can be, I really don't think they would play with cents when they can probably play with whole dollars if you get what I mean.
Whole dollar coins gets you a lot less coins. That's part of my point. He basically said without coming staight out and saying it, he can only afford to control price of XC because our coins are cheaper. He's also picking XC because XC is a great coin and people will believe the price is climbing because of that. He can't manipulate price of a shit coin that costs nothing because people won't buy into the price climb. Also he can't do it with something like BTC because he doesn't have enough capitol to make a difference.
With all do respect dude (88flaminchevy), you seem to be new at the whole crypto world. This is a very positive comment by someone that very excited about XC and sincerely wants it to succeed. To spin this and make it sound like a negative and instill fear in traders shows me your lack of experience. If you don't want to invest in XC, please move on. Mike x 3 is respected in the XC community and many of us have really benefited from his advice. Please keep it that way. Enough said.
Sorry, but I'm not a noob and I'm very much invested in XC! Even though my reaction to mikes comments scared me, I sat back for a second and said, "I'll see if it happens". In the real world, people are 2 faced, sorry to tell you that. I've already told you guys what I do for a living, and I'm just saying that you need to watch out for people that leave you a bread crumb trail. They are usually leading you somewhere. It happens in my line of work all the time. If he's really the kind of guy you guys say he is, he would have never told us what he was going to do. It does not benefit him or his investors what so ever. What, he's just a nice guy trying to help everyone else make a buck.....? I don't think so. Those people are very few and far between. I hope I'm wrong for both me and everyone else invested in XC's sake!
Sorry guys ... don't mean to fud your thread. I see many tears in this coins future (I'm a Jasinlee stalker from Fib). But think about this - if this investor meant this why would he tell you instead of give the benefit of "cheap coins" to his "clients" who are paying him (if I'm understanding this right)? By explaining all of this to you - he's essentially ripping his customers who are paying for advice off by making their coins more expensive before he "sits down to talk with them" (which makes no sense)
I lost a lot. And I mean A LOT of money between Vertcoin & Fibonacci ASICs. My suggestion is treat this alt carefully. Think about it this way.
If you'd put $100 in bitcoin when it was $1 - then you would be rich. If XC is truly the future that will overtake bitcoin. Then 100 coins is plenty to set yourself up for the future. On the other hand if XC is not the future it will die off (because currency needs consensus - not just technology). A lot of people are making money and losing money off playing hot potato with a lot of different coins.
But $100 is plenty if you believe this coin is going to overtake bitcoin without betting the farm. Take it from somebody who has & lost.
Edit: I'm not a litecoin, bitcoin, darkcoin, vertcoin or anycoin holder anymore.