Need to explain what does trustless mean.
Xnode system assumes all xnodes are not deserving of trust, so the sending algorithm must assume the transaction would fail by default. The transaction will not be comfirmed until the system get accomplishment from destination.
I guess a single xnode could not move the incoming coin from sending path into its own Local wallet By itself.
No that's not how trustless mixing works.
1) transaction is initiated
2) wallet requests to send fragments to other nodes
3) multisig between each participating node is set up and passed around for signing
4) multisig enables trust-less transactions as any changes to the signed transaction (ie: a node trying to steal coins) - makes the multi-signature invalid
- it's not coinjoin, because its not centralised
- it's not a ring signature because it's multidirectional
5) if a bad node fails to forward a transaction, then several other paths exist and the tx is sent along one of them instead
6) fragments sent to nodes
7) nodes mix and forward fragments from different addresses to the ones they receive fragments on
recipient receives transaction