Yes, I have seen that on dark forum too. But it is running nodes in EC2 cluster. I dont want to run them in cloud. Second, it is a guide how to run it on 5 public static addresses. I have one public address (for now). If I need few addresses, I shall get them from local ISP since I know the owner, at zero cost. But not everyone can get static public address at zero cost. Consider in my country it can cost from 5 to even 20 euro per address per month. Other than that, I can hos it on several PCs at work (they are all mine, I don't work in some public service, I work in my own company). And I host one at home and one at work since xnode story started. But I would like to try to host it on my home pc in few virtual instances. Is it possible or not? I think not, but had to ask.
Thanks for adding some information. I'm not really tech savy so only thing I can do is repeat/link old information. If you think you know how to do this and could put this information in words/screenshots for newbie's that would be great. You should definitely make a new thread on
I can't make a guide, since it seems only way to host few xnodes is to have public IP per node. It is not XC problem, it is the same with all crypto. I am not a programmer, so I don't know why one wallet could not use few ports to listen, instead of one. As I said, I can buy 200 euro PC, install ubuntu or CentOS, make virtual instances, give every instance public IP, and voila, I have few xnodes running on same PC. But as I said, I can host PC for free at ISP. So I can get as many xnodes as I want with 200-250 euro investment. Point is can we make all ppl have the same, without having to pay someone hosting? It only takes xnode client to listen on 10 ports, and you can have 10 nodes on local PC (assuming it is powerful enough)? As I see it ec2 one m3.medium from guide cost 50$ per month for 24x7 runingtime. And you get 5 xnodes for that price. It is not bad, but till payments start to arrive, I would prefer free xnodes, as many as I can get. I assume all would. Not to mention with local hosting, my wallet is mine only. With amazon hosting, well, I have to trust them with my money. Well I don't. If my coins disappear from amazon cluster, they will say "ooops, we are very sorry, we are sorry almost like Mark Karpeles is".