
Topic: [XMR] Monero - A secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency - page 1260. (Read 4671575 times)

Activity: 3668
Merit: 6382
Looking for campaign manager? Contact icopress!
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BCX' thread is fun to read from time to time, with some popcorn.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1141
Crossposting for info:

Why is DRK a scam and why do the Monero crew want to take it down?

It's not a scam and it's Monero's closest competitor functionality wise.

I'll never understand why people like to bring/take down other currencies. There's enough space for all of them.

My current deal with Monero ends on December 20th as we came to an agreement for 60 days of BCX free Monero.

Where we go from there, who knows?

They have however offered a proposition for DRK but I wanted to find out about it first.

I think they feel that DRK is why they are steadily falling week over week.

If a coin is good I have no interest in bothering it but if it is a scam, shit is on.

Let's hear the good, bad and ugly!


I'd like to officially state, for and on behalf to the Monero core team, that this is the biggest load of rubbish we've ever read.

We have no deal with BCX, nor have we ever had a deal with him. In fact, our many attempts at engaging him have come up empty.

We also have not ever, and will not ever, "offer a proposition for DRK" to BCX or any other trolls. What an absurd notion, we're not even in "competition" with Darkcoin, much less able to waste money on a petty spat.
hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
What do you mean obvious, were you aware of the deal?

You are obviously as full of sh.. as BCX.

We should ask Theymos to check his PMs and uncover the truth; i wouldn't be surprised if the account is bought by one of you guys.
hero member
Activity: 794
Merit: 1000
Monero (XMR) - secure, private, untraceable
[...] words [...]

I really enjoyed the pleasant break from constant FUD and random noise.
Shame that good times never last long enough!  Cheesy

Btw, awesome job with MyMonero guys!
While I'm happy to use the current CLI release, I firmly believe the webwallet will help boost adoption at least to small'ish holders that would otherwise not feel comfortable using the CLI or holding their balance on exchanges. I created an account and moved some Monero over to test it out, everything worked like a charm!

Looking forward to all the many Missives ahead!  Wink
True that! I'll spread some Moneroj gifts this Christmas using the web wallet. Great timing.
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1288

I think reason why Monero price is 0.0015 instead of 0.003-0.005 as was few months ago is that huge BTC or fiat bag holding Monero supporters connected more together. Might be in MEW or however and they see there is enough Moneros for all of them and they dont need to fight among himself and buy Monero, but just place offer at 0.0015 and pro miners will sell to them.

If you would monitor cautiously BCX actions toward Monero lately you would realize he is not really serious about what he says.
Activity: 1154
Merit: 1001
[...] words [...]

I really enjoyed the pleasant break from constant FUD and random noise.
Shame that good times never last long enough!  Cheesy

Btw, awesome job with MyMonero guys!
While I'm happy to use the current CLI release, I firmly believe the webwallet will help boost adoption at least to small'ish holders that would otherwise not feel comfortable using the CLI or holding their balance on exchanges. I created an account and moved some Monero over to test it out, everything worked like a charm!

Looking forward to all the many Missives ahead!  Wink
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 1003
What do you mean obvious, were you aware of the deal?
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1011
Monero Evangelist
So is this the real reason Monero has been declining, XMR insiders making a deal with BCX so they can buy time to sell their bags?

The public hasn't been aware of any such deals.
Yeah, obvious. Thank you very much for uncovering it.
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 1003
My current deal with Monero ends on December 20th as we came to an agreement for 60 days of BCX free Monero.

So is this the real reason Monero has been declining, XMR insiders making a deal with BCX so they can buy time to sell their bags?

The public hasn't been aware of any such deals.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Sorry if this has been covered, but can we have a summary of the features/changes coming in v

I understand per-kb fees are coming. Anything else on the feature side?

Cheers, Q
Activity: 1276
Merit: 1001
It's certainly not a detailed technical differentiation, but here is a gif I just finished for sylviaplathlikestobake's art contest that compares btc, drk, and xmr:

Here is the link to the art contest, which is practically over at now (I'm a bit of a procrastinator plus I've been busy):

Please let me know if you think there are any factual errors in the gif.

I would have two comments:

First, the wavy blobs leaving Alice are maybe conveying the wrong impression. To me, they "look" worse than the darkcoin case: it feels like handwaving - literally. I would suggest making all but one of those blobs come from another direction entirely - not from Alice, to represent the inclusion of unrelated outputs in the ring signature. Then I guess you can have the wavy thing. Or maybe move them to be superimposed, then out again, with all but one disintegrating, to represent the fact than all but one are not in fact spendable by Alice on this transaction.

Second, the square blocks hiding Alice's and Bob's balances at the bottom aren't particularly visible, and you might consider a way to attract some attention to them in some way - maybe with a color change ?
That said, it is well done Smiley

Activity: 3164
Merit: 1116
Not errors exactly, but the relationship between stealth and ring sigs is a bit tighter than suggested. They work synergistically. For example, ring sigs also help protect the privacy of balances because it can't be determined if an output has been spent, only possibly-spent.

Nice work!
Thanks smooth, glad I didn't muck anything up too significantly Smiley

very nice work!

IMHO the brown in the end is not a very nice and friendly color... but thats just my impression.
I was going for more of an orange-ish color to be like inverted from the monero logo, but I agree, it's pretty brown. I'll see if I can prettify it a bit and repost it later...
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
It's certainly not a detailed technical differentiation, but here is a gif I just finished for sylviaplathlikestobake's art contest that compares btc, drk, and xmr:

Here is the link to the art contest, which is practically over at now (I'm a bit of a procrastinator plus I've been busy):

Please let me know if you think there are any factual errors in the gif.

very nice work!

IMHO the brown in the end is not a very nice and friendly color... but thats just my impression.
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
Please let me know if you think there are any factual errors in the gif.

Not errors exactly, but the relationship between stealth and ring sigs is a bit tighter than suggested. They work synergistically. For example, ring sigs also help protect the privacy of balances because it can't be determined if an output has been spent, only possibly-spent.

Nice work!
Activity: 3164
Merit: 1116
It's certainly not a detailed technical differentiation, but here is a gif I just finished for sylviaplathlikestobake's art contest that compares btc, drk, and xmr:

Here is the link to the art contest, which is practically over at now (I'm a bit of a procrastinator plus I've been busy):

Please let me know if you think there are any factual errors in the gif.
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
Is there a place where anon debates take over? I would like to see the differences between monero, drk, sdc, etc.

rpietila Altcoin Observer has had a lot of these discussions, some though not all at a pretty high level of technical detail. I would start there but be sure to read the archive before bringing things up in a repetitious way.

Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Is there a place where anon debates take over? I would like to see the differences between monero, drk, sdc, etc.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
Love the new MyMonero site! Sweet design and functionality.

I have a couple things I would love to see. I am a bush league python dev and would love to see a Monero API (perhaps from the myMonero site?) similar to

I use for developing ideas and seeing how this translates into actual programming and applications. If there were such an API for Monero I would happily develop and translate my other apps to use the Monero API. Just an idea. I WOULD develop this myself, but, alas I am a lowly python peasant with mediocre (at best) skill set. Tongue
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