Nobody said you can't rip-off stuff. You can do it alright, but you'll face the consequences of self-limitation into parasitic mentality. That's especially true when you do it in a way where you aren't really taking something to improve it technically, but rather cloning it and re-branding it to achieve your own financial advantage.
It's not my "idea". It's how the mind operates. Ask, for example, a hypnotist about presuppositions, and how he uses them to slip the affirmations and suggestions he wants directly to the subconscious.
The human mind produces dual thoughts, not single thoughts. For every thought or action, there is an implied thought. The implied thought tends to go unnoticed (unless one is trained to observe them - which is not difficult, it just takes time) and when it goes unnoticed it then becomes subconscious programming since it goes down uncontested.
Humans are taught that if they can do evil and get away with it they are ok. They will never get away from their own implied self-programming that says "if I harmed others to advance myself, then apparently I'm unable to advance myself on my own powers -> therefore I have no powers". Self-sabotaging. If there is anything like "karma" or "hell" or "divine punishment", this is it. But it's not performed by some higher power. It's performed by us.
Be virtuous and expand yourself. Be a scam and limit yourself.