We should closely watch and send members to these developing (cryptocurrency-related) standardisation & specifications-groups [1] and (open) collaborative projects [2].
[1] E.g like: Web Payments Interest Group at
http://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/[2] E.g like: The Open Ledger Project at
https://blockchain.linuxfoundation.orgWhy this is important?
- We will have no voice in these "big bank and government"-controlled organizations/projects like R3CEV, that are getting created now. Plus, these groups are going to work against our values and ideales. So it is even more important, to support consortiums/projects, that support open, fair, decentralised crypto currency and allow true privacy.
It is a good place to show Moneros existence, involvement & strengths to other industry members, decision makers, researchers, press, ...
- All these standardization and technical collaboration efforts, to foster Crypto Currency ATM are brand new and unorganized. It is not predetermined in which direction, they gonna develope. Obvious, only in this current industry pre-phase, it will be possible to influence every aspect & detail of these groups (be it: org structure, decision making process, official guide lines, philosophy ...)in a good way for us/everybody.
Its an window of opportunity.
- As trivial as its sound: we have to participate in these interest group and industry wide technical discussions, to identify & leverage the conditions for greater uptake and wider development of Monero especially and other fair, decentralized and egalitarian crypto currencies generally. Standardization, industry-specific framework, practice related specification are fundamentale needed to achieve: interoperability, real world benefits for users, based on design and feature-set of our coin, having an efficient network, ...
The way I see itMonero is skill and community driven. So unlike other coins, we have more then enough (outspoken) members & supporters with the required research-, dev- and industry-background/orientation. We should be able, to give to the required input (RFCs) & send the best fitting ambassador, for Monero to have a voice and some influence in these groups. Even more, if we organize & manage our participations and collaborate on the amount of work (where needed).
From my POV, this is a big potential (driver) for Monero to reach acceptance, get users, find partners, leading to a success and a future for the project.
(The best techology and code is not enough, a coin can only survive and be successful with users, servers, some exchange & usage volume and an ecosystem around it.)
Discuss.Annotation 1) We should/can be selective here, we should only participate in efforts/groups/work groups, if they are useful and benefical for Monero. No need to do them all and be everywhere.
Annotation 2) I am not sure, if my 2 examples (W3, Open Ledger) above are perfect. I am sure there are more and maybe even better approaches, that fit Monero even more. I just wanted to suggest, that from my POV, it would be a good decision to explicitly raise Moneros voice and work for Moneros success in this emerging industry.