But from a technological point of view its really is just features users desire right now with scrappy, fast and unreliable code back it up. I knew about xmr before poloniex added and made some good trades, but it was obvious a lot time was left for maturity, but swore to remember it later and not miss out.
I started liquidating and buying xmr about 2 months ago mostly because project is beefy. I understand putting the gui off is a good move because you want the back end super solid before even going there. But its interesting that this would also work as an invitation to old btc money who become interested. People have trouble taking alts seriously in general, but especially if they havent been around long. Some old btc cat checks out monero, grasps the tech, then sees there's not official gui. I think this to him says its still early to hop in. And I wonder if the decrease in priority related to the gui is partially to continue the invitation to hop in at a good price, with obvious rise still lying ahead.
I'd sorta started learning enough python and extremely-intro cryptography to make sense of some of the tech behind monero. Ive been spending time diving into python and have a nice trader bot going. It is no rockstar but definitely makes me more income than drk MN income as well as my 6x280xs.
And then comes along the massive commit from noodledoodle, and moneromoo with the potentially epic rewrite of transaction creation formula. I'm pretty excited and plan on hodlin hard but run a bot to keep my distracted.