I don't remember who stated it above, but I do agree that the lack of exchange/merchant adoption might have something to do with the hassle of depending on users to include payment IDs.
Pay ID serialisation into the receiving address looks pretty far down on the roadmap. In the meantime, is there a reason why Payment IDs can't simply be appended to the address and parsed automatically by the client? That would make it much easier for third parties to manage payments until "stealth" payment IDs eventually get implemented.
No checksum is one reason why this will potentially backfire. That and the payment ID space is unnecessarily huge.
I'll take a look at my notes from the MRL meetup in November last year, we had some ideas about fixing the payment ID format and serialising it, there may be a quick win to be had whilst we chip away at the stealth payment IDs.
I disagree that we need to do nothing while we work on something better (obviously one does not preclude the other at all).
There is no checksum now. The length and valid characters are checked but that's it. The exact same thing can still be checked if the format is changed, slightly to something like
Send to this address: 46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em-e981847d2b9e1860d56bcb2263864db976d52e88c9c97db5e734d204f06bedac
Instead of
Send to this address: 46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em
and use this payment ID
It is the exact same thing in terms of checksums, validation, etc. except that the second is far more likely to lead to people forgetting it or not understanding it, and also fits worse with the usual workflow of a btc-style coin where people generate new addresses for each customer/invoice/etc., and has a higher support burden. With the first method, you have have the exact same kind of button in an exchange wallet window that says "generate new address" and it can go ahead and generate a new address that happens to share the same prefix, instead of needing something different for "payment-id coins".
We're suffering this unnecessary mismatch from the usual model and confusion because the cryptonote/BCN guys didn't see the need for a payment ID at all in their earlier design at all and threw the payment ID on there later as an extra thing instead of including it in addresses (there are commits in their repo when they added it, so it is clear it was an added patch). If it were part of the original design I bet something more like the prefix-suffix syntax would have been used.